
The key role of sustainable infrastructure in the energy sector

Sustainable infrastructure is not, at its core, a complex topic. Such roads, bridges, telephone poles, and hydroelectric power plants are considered devices and systems designed to meet basic service needs.

All these entities are also considered integral players in paving the way to a more sustainable and energy-conscious future.

And as Sustainable Development Goals – such as moving towards net zero emissions – continue to be implemented, businesses, governments and supranational bodies are relying on sustainable infrastructure and harnessing its benefits to ensure energy access and security for all.

Global CTO of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) at IFS Jon Mortensen and Martin Harris, director of EAM Product Management, as well as Hitachi Energy’s Anthony Allard, executive vice president and managing director of Hitachi Energy North America, engage sustainable infrastructure as part of the Sustainable Development Initiative ensure a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.

IFS: Supporting sustainable asset management

At IFS, an AI-powered enterprise software company, both Jon and Martin are helping to empower the energy industry and those that depend on it with the IFS Cloud platform, which combines solutions such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), EAM and field service management (FSM). and enterprise service management (ESM) capabilities in one unified cloud-based system.

The offerings are designed to optimize operations and increase productivity, ensuring businesses can deliver exceptional service at every critical moment.

“EAM systems play a key role in improving the uptime and reliability of infrastructure assets while ensuring they are aligned with organizational goals, especially when it comes to increasing efficiency and optimizing economic returns,” Jon begins. “We place a strong emphasis on the integration of ESG goals, making sustainability a key aspect of asset management strategy.”

Martin reiterates: “EAM systems enable organizations to develop asset plans that not only meet sustainability goals, but also ensure the effective achievement of operational goals.

It is always best practice to track asset data throughout its lifecycle, from design to operation and maintenance.

They both firmly believe that EAM systems play a key role in enhancing sustainability by monitoring and optimizing the energy consumption of assets such as engines. By measuring key metrics such as electrical current consumption and phase balance, organizations can identify inefficiencies such as unnecessary energy consumption or imbalances that can shorten the life of an asset.

“This data-driven approach supports condition-based maintenance, enabling companies to proactively address issues, reduce energy waste and extend asset life,” continues Jon.

Hitachi Energy: pioneering sustainable solutions

At Hitachi, Anthony has no doubt that technology is an integral part of a more sustainable and energy-efficient future thanks to the analytics and data insights it can provide. As Hitachi Energy is at the forefront of developing sustainable infrastructure in the energy sector, it emphasizes that promoting energy efficiency, grid resilience and environmental sustainability is critical in supporting sustainable infrastructure.

“There is no doubt that artificial intelligence, machine learning, analytics and data insights create unique opportunities for the energy sector,” he says. “These data-driven technologies can provide our customers with a more holistic view of the energy landscape and enable them to make faster, more informed decisions in the moment.

“Some of these technologies, like Gen AI, are really just starting to be explored by utilities and others in the energy ecosystem. It certainly seems like it could help optimize network performance, support activities such as predictive maintenance, and help drive energy efficiency across a variety of sectors.

“But to make this work, companies like Hitachi will need to combine extensive knowledge of energy sector technologies across the power system value chain and the ability to offer data-driven insights to help transform the industry.”

At the heart of this thesis is Hitachi Energy’s position as a global technology leader committed to ensuring a sustainable energy future for all. This recognition of the importance of sustainable infrastructure in driving the transition to a more sustainable energy system underscores Hitachi Energy’s commitment to providing solutions and services that contribute to this transition.

What sustainable infrastructure shapes the energy future?

From digital substations to renewable energy integration, Hitachi Energy initiatives are shaping the future of sustainable energy infrastructure. Using technology and collaboration, Hitachi Energy is driving progress towards a cleaner, more resilient energy future through digital innovation, renewable energy integration and a commitment to energy efficiency.

For example, Hitachi Energy’s digital substations improve grid resilience and ensure the safe distribution of consistent, reliable energy supplies to billions of people around the world.

“Hitachi Energy is focused on grid automation through insightful, data-driven analytics that will help utilities optimize energy flow, smooth generation through the integration of new renewable energy sources, and optimize the performance of grid assets,” adds Anthony.

“Digital substations help support the transition to a low-carbon future by seamlessly integrating renewable energy and contributing to the decarbonization of the electricity grid.”

Additionally, recognizing the key role of sustainable infrastructure in shaping the energy future, IFS highlights the importance of technologies such as artificial intelligence-driven analytics, digital twins and advanced asset management systems in optimizing energy efficiency, reducing environmental impact and ensuring the reliability and resilience of energy infrastructure. This goes back to Jon and Martin’s main focus: EAM systems.

“IFS integrates artificial intelligence, machine learning and analytics into its EAM processes to improve the monitoring and maintenance of assets in the utilities and energy sectors,” says Jon. “By using ML models to detect anomalies, IFS enables operators to identify potential failures and inefficiencies early, facilitating proactive maintenance and reducing downtime. This application of artificial intelligence involves optimizing maintenance schedules and tasks, using failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMEACA) to prioritize actions based on the risk and impact of potential failures.

A notable implementation of this solution was with an oil and gas client in Australia, where IFS technology analyzed data from over a million power sources across 26,000 facilities to detect anomalies and initiate maintenance processes.

Martin continues: “In addition, IFS’ AI-powered optimization engine significantly improves field operations, as exemplified by a client who increased end-customer visits by 24%, demonstrating the system’s ability to increase productivity and operational efficiency. These advancements underscore our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies to deliver tangible benefits in asset management and operational optimization.

The future of sustainable infrastructure

For Hitachi Energy, the future is bright and its solutions continue to evolve to keep up with the growing demand and upcoming complexities that the energy space throws at it, increasingly as sustainability becomes an increasingly demanding goal. At least from Anthony’s perspective, sustainable infrastructure will continue to be driven by a combination of digital transformation, renewable energy integration, energy efficiency and grid resilience. Using technology, innovation and collaboration, the company drives progress towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future for all.

He concludes: “About a year ago, we announced a partnership with Google that combines Hitachi’s Energy Portfolio Management (EPM) solutions with the company’s cloud data analytics, AI/ML services and public cloud infrastructure to develop and deploy innovative new solutions for utilities and renewable energy producers. We have already launched a service that provides global developers, renewable energy and battery energy storage (BESS) system operators, as well as traditional generators, traders and energy market participants with easy, real-time access to North American energy market information.

“This service informs, guides and accelerates revenue planning and analysis for transformational grid and renewable energy projects, helping these organizations make better and faster decisions on energy projects and investments across North America.”

For Jon and Martin of IFS, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence are at the epicenter of the future of sustainable infrastructure. IFS says that by leveraging the power of advanced analytics and machine learning, organizations can draw actionable insights from vast amounts of asset data, enabling predictive maintenance, optimizing energy use and identifying performance improvement opportunities.

They also anticipate that EAM systems will continue to evolve.

“The evolution of EAM systems is increasingly driven by the integration of asset performance management (APM) and ISO55000 principles, emphasizing a holistic view of asset lifecycle management,” Jon concludes. “The future of EAM lies in its ability to manage the entire asset lifecycle, from inception to decommissioning, with the support of digital technologies such as digital twins to improve decision-making.”

Martin adds: “In the energy sector, where capital investment is significant, it is crucial to understand and optimize resource allocation based on comprehensive asset data. In the next decade, EAM systems will likely shift from being maintenance-centric to adopting a lifecycle-centric approach, incorporating digital innovations to facilitate this transition.

“The implementation of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence and digital twins will enable enterprises to make informed decisions, ensuring economic efficiency, sustainability and alignment with long-term goals. This comprehensive asset intelligence will revolutionize the way organizations manage, maintain and invest in their assets, ensuring resilience in the face of growing demand and complexity.”


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