
The US measures aim to separate the public and private sectors in Cuba

In an official statement, MINREX indicates that the United States government announced on Tuesday a group of regulations aimed at implementing its policy, which was announced on May 16, 2022.

According to a text published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the goal is to support the non-state sector in Cuba.

With its announcement, the US government intends to address only a part of our society, MINREX emphasized.

It adds that coercive measures that most impact the Cuban economy and public services and seriously harm the well-being of the entire population will not be eliminated or modified.

Once again, the United States’ decision is based on its distorted view of the Cuban reality, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs mentioned and warned that the United States seeks to benefit the Cuban private sector, which was legally established and developed under measures taken by the Cuban government through popular consultation.

The same has happened with Internet access, which has been created and expanded by Cuba, despite the obstacles posed by the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by this northern nation and restrictions that prevent free access to hundreds of tools and websites.

It also emphasizes its intention to use this sector for political purposes against the Cuban Revolution, in line with its regime change policy.

“The United States ratifies its will to punish the Cuban state sector, knowing that it provides essential services such as education, health, culture, sports and others to all Cubans, including the private sector; and that it is a guarantee of social justice and equality for all citizens,” we read in the document.

For this reason, measures have recently been adopted to persecute Cuba’s international medical cooperation.

Several published documents have revealed that the United States remains determined to deprive us of our income and destabilize the country with the political goal of dominating the nation.

The Cuban government will analyze these measures and if they do not violate national legislation and are openly beneficial to the Cuban people, even if only to a part of them, this will not impede their application,” MINREX concluded in its statement.
