
Enbridge’s $1.2 billion solar and storage project provides a path to net zero

Enbridge Inc. received approval from the Wyoming Industrial Siting Board for a large solar and storage project in Laramie County, Wyoming. The $1.24 billion Cowboy Solar I and II project, combined with the Cowboy Battery project, will be one of the largest in the U.S. and will include up to 771 MW of solar and 269 MW of batteries.

Solar energy, using the sun’s energy to produce electricity, is fundamental to the global movement towards sustainable energy. As a clean and renewable resource, it plays a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

Enbridge’s solar ambitions are taking root

In the United States, solar energy has grown tremendously thanks to technological improvements, falling costs and greater environmental awareness. This rapid expansion has also resulted in growing demand for batteries, positioning Enbridge in this growing industry.

Headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Enbridge operates natural gas, oil and renewable energy projects in North America. It is the region’s largest natural gas company by volume and owns the world’s longest crude oil and liquids pipeline system.

As pressure on companies to help with decarbonization efforts continues to increase, utilities must step up efforts to reduce their carbon footprint. Enbridge is using a variety of measures to decarbonize its operations and achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

In 2020, Enbridge set new ESG goals, including a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 35% by 2030. Since 2018, the energy company has achieved a 27% reduction in emissions intensity.

Enbridge net zeroEnbridge net zero
Enbridge Net Zero

In 2022, despite increased energy consumption, Enbridge saw a slight decline in emissions intensity, primarily due to increased system efficiency and the use of lower intensity power.

The company reduces the emissions intensity of the electricity it purchases through self-powered solar projects and advocates for a decarbonization policy on the power grid. Below are the company’s renewable energy projects, operational and in development.

Enbridge solar and wind projectsEnbridge solar and wind projects
Source: Enbridge 2023 Net Zero Report

Groundbreaking Solar-Plus battery storage initiative

The $1.24 billion Wyoming solar and energy storage project is one of Enbridge’s initiatives as part of its net-zero efforts. Construction will start in March 2025, with the first stage expected to be put into operation in January 2027 and the second stage in August 2027.

  • The first phase includes a 400 MW photovoltaic (PV) system and 136 MW of batteries, while the second phase will include 371 MW of PV and 133 MW of storage.

Fluence Energy Inc. will provide the battery system, and American Hyperion Solar LLC, a subsidiary of the Chinese company Jiangsu Runergy New Energy Technology Co. Ltd., will supply solar panels.

The project will connect to a local grid operated by Cheyenne Light Fuel and Power Co., a subsidiary of Black Hill. Enbridge’s application mentions planned data centers in Laramie County, including one set up by Microsoft Corp., that will require significant amounts of electricity.

According to Cynthia Hansen, president of gas transmission and midstream, Enbridge gas utilities in Canada are receiving requests from data centers. She noted that they supply utilities that receive such inquiries. While their main lines have not yet received direct orders from data centers, they will support these markets through their media.

The Wyoming project faced some opposition from local mining and ranching interests, but received support from the Cheyenne-Laramie County Economic Development Corporation and local labor groups. Enbridge estimates the peak construction workforce will be approximately 375 workers.

John Fulk, business manager of Construction and Labor Local 1271, had this to say about the project’s approval:

“The development of solar, wind and battery storage creates an opportunity for the state’s older coal workers to expand their skills so they can fully participate in the new job opportunities created by the energy transition.”

Enbridge’s Path to Reducing its Carbon Footprint

In addition to renewable energy initiatives, the energy company also offsets residual emissions by purchasing carbon offset credits. These loans come from nature-based solutions and renewable energy loans, with a particular focus on areas close to their operations. According to a recent one net zero reportthe company has invested a total of $350,000 in carbon credit projects.

Enbridge’s greenhouse gas reduction targets focus specifically on Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. However, midstream carbon dioxide emissions represent only a small portion of total life cycle greenhouse gas emissions.

Enbridge lifecycle emissions intensityEnbridge lifecycle emissions intensity

Oil sands transportation accounts for less than 2% of lifecycle emissions, with most emissions coming from combustion, production and modernization. Enbridge has been at the forefront of monitoring, reporting and reducing Scope 3 emissions, having done so since 2009 despite limited sector guidance.

The company reports on utility customers’ natural gas consumption, employee air travel and power grid losses. In 2021, Enbridge added emissions intensity metrics for energy delivered and emissions avoided through renewable energy sources, low-carbon fuels and environmental programs. They also commit to working with suppliers to further reduce Scope 3 emissions.

Through innovative projects and comprehensive emissions reduction strategies, Enbridge continues to lead the global transition to renewable energy.