
The EPA just enacted the first-ever federal regulation of “Forever Chemicals” in drinking water. Here are the five most important things you need to know.

Last month, the EPA adopted its own first-ever legally enforceable drinking water standards for several PFAS— a group of chemicals used to produce non-stick coatings and products that are resistant to heat, oil, water and other factors. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances are toxic chemicals and are often referred to as “forever chemicals” due to their tendency not to degrade.

The regulations state that all public water systems have three years to complete testing for these chemicals and must implement solutions to reduce PFAS within five years. Under the new regulations, the public must be informed about PFAS levels measured in drinking water.

In many respects, the EPA’s decision is a landmark move. PFAS have been used commercially since the 1940s, and these chemicals have long been known to be toxic to humans. Major chemical companies like 3M have known about the harmful properties of these toxic chemicals for decades, but they do it on purpose. he hid the evidence.

LEARN MORE First-ever legally enforceable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency drinking water standard for several PFASLEARN MORE First-ever legally enforceable U.S. Environmental Protection Agency drinking water standard for several PFAS

The scary thing about PFAS is that they are both very close to home and dangerous. They are used in everyday household products such as rain pads, non-stick pans and mascara and grants EPA that “PFAS exposure has been linked to deadly cancers, effects on the liver and heart, and immunological and developmental damage in infants and children.”

Despite the known dangers, there is a reason it has taken so long to enact even a single federal regulation regulating chemicals in drinking water. Extensive lobbying efforts by chemical companies have helped maintain restrictions on these substances. You can read our report on this lobbying Here.

So what does this mean to you?

Here are five key takeaways from the new drinking water regulations, as well as expert insights from Kyla Bennett, director of science policy at Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

These regulations only apply to six PFAS

Of the at least 12,000 PFASs in existence, EPA has issued regulations for only six of them. This new regulation dips its toe into the waters of regulating them. It sets maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) in drinking water for the two oldest and most prevalent PFAS, called PFOA and PFOS, at four parts per trillion. The EPA said yes there is no safe level exposure to PFOA and PFOS.

“It’s a good first step. “I think it’s too little, too late, considering it’s only six PFAS and there are 12,000 to 14,000 of them,” says Bennett. “It relieves some of the stress, but not completely… No one should have to relax.”

Recently released Watch & Water Watch detailed shopping guide to help you avoid PFAS in everything from paint to menstrual products to furniture.

People assume something is legal and safe.  And that's simply not true.  Modern farmers' PFAS reporting is empowered by the expertise of organizations like PEER.  To connect with PEER click herePeople assume something is legal and safe.  And that's simply not true.  Modern farmers' PFAS reporting is empowered by the expertise of organizations like PEER.  To connect with PEER click here

This only applies to public drinking water systems

Public water systems must complete initial water monitoring within three years and, if levels are too high, take steps to reduce them within five years. For example, this may mean shutting down a source of contaminated water or installing a filtration system. Data on public drinking water systems is available online. Private wells, common in rural or agricultural areas, will not automatically be tested for PFAS.

“(This regulation) does not apply to private wells,” Bennett says. “And I know that many farmers have private wells. However, private well owners have access to funds if they become contaminated to install a filter or repair it. This is good news for private well owners.”

Installing a filter at your kitchen sink can help reduce exposure if PFAS is present in the water. Bennett recommends continuing Website of the National Sanitation Foundation for filters that will reliably reduce the total amount of PFAS in your water.

Private well.Private well.

Private wells will not be automatically tested for PFAS. (Photo: Shutterstock)

The burden falls on municipal drinking water systems, not directly on polluters

The Drinking Water Regulation places the burden of setting high pollutant loads on public drinking water systems and municipalities, rather than on polluters themselves. This also means that under this law there is no direct leverage for polluting companies to change their practices.

However, this regulation could have a knock-on effect – municipalities that do not want to be burdened with installing very expensive filtration systems may begin to put more pressure on polluting companies in their jurisdictions.

“States will want to help municipalities in their states, and then they will start implementing limits on PFAS in wastewater, which will help reduce the amount of PFAS entering public drinking water,” says Bennett.

Is there PFAS contamination in your area? Consult the Environmental Working Party interactive map.

Still image of the Environmental Working Group’s interactive PFAS contamination map. Light blue dots show where PFAS levels in drinking water are known to be above the new limits, and dark blue dots show where they are known to be below the new limits. (Photo courtesy of the Environmental Working Group)

EPA should regulate PFAS as a class, not individually

There are at least 12,000 known PFAS, and currently we can only test about 70 of them. Bennett argues that the EPA should define PFAS broadly and then regulate them as a class, rather than implementing more “whack-a-mole” regulations that only deal with a handful at a time. And then – in her opinion – we should ban all non-essential uses, such as cosmetics.

It’s important to regulate PFAS broadly, says Bennett, because addressing just a few PFAS doesn’t protect people from so-called “deplorable substitutions” — where companies using PFAS simply swap limited PFAS for other PFAS that remain unregulated (remember, that there are hundreds of these chemicals).

While the federal government is moving slowly, individual states have made more moves to restrict PFAS. You can use this bill tracker to find out which states have introduced or passed laws banning PFAS in various product categories.

You still need to protect yourself from PFAS

EPA’s working assumption is currently this 20 percent exposure to PFOA and PFOS comes from drinking water. Even if all “forever chemicals” are eliminated from the water, it is still extremely important to eliminate other sources of exposure. While PFAS is a large systemic problem and solving it should not rest on the shoulders of individuals, taking action now can help protect you while regulations hopefully catch up.

Read more: You've already been exposed to toxic PFAS.  Read our guide on how to reduce your personal exposure here.Read more: You've already been exposed to toxic PFAS.  Read our guide on how to reduce your personal exposure here.

“It shouldn’t be like this,” says Bennett. “But now, because states and the federal government are moving so slowly, we must take it upon ourselves to reduce the risk as best we can. So education can go a long way in helping people become aware of what they should and shouldn’t buy, what they should and shouldn’t use, what they should and shouldn’t eat… It’s a pity that the government doesn’t care about this among us . But people assume that if something is legal, it is safe. And that’s just not true.”

Kyla Bennett is the director of science policy at PEER and wants to answer your questions about PFAS. Send your question to [email protected]