
To prevent corruption in top executive positions in the central government, stricter regulations are needed, says GRECO

Council of Europe Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) called on governments adopting stricter laws to prevent corruption and promote integrity in top executive positions in central governmentsin particular as regards lobbying and contacts with third parties, and to step up efforts to fully and promptly implement all GRECO recommendations.

In its 2023 annual report, GRECO expresses concern about the slow implementation of its recommendations on preventing corruption among parliamentarians compared to other professional groups. It also emphasizes that several judicial systems need to be further reformed to guarantee the independence of judges and prosecutors and to strengthen the principles of integrity that apply to them.

As for his 5thvol evaluation round that focuses on preventing corruption and promoting integrity among top executive functions in central government and law enforcement, GRECO’s findings show that transparency, oversight and accountability remain at stake.

GRECO President Marin Mrčela said: “There is no transparency without accountability, because impunity only increases the risk of corruption and undermines public trust. More regulation and discipline are needed to address the risk of corruption in top executive positions, in particular with regard to dealings with third parties and lobbyists, and to ensure the effectiveness of integrity policies. People in top management positions should lead by example.”

GRECO believes that states should ensure that their institutional and legal integrity frameworks apply fully and directly not only to high-level civil servants, but also to ministers, their political advisers and other politically appointed staff and certain heads of state. Significant improvements are needed in areas such as the adoption and implementation of codes of conduct, managing conflicts of interest and lobbying, monitoring and ensuring transparency of asset declarations, limiting immunities, access to information and revolving door practices.

Regarding law enforcement, GRECO emphasizes that countries should do more to ensure appropriate responses to corrupt behavior and lapses in integrity at all levels of the hierarchy and to prevent excessive government interference in policing. There is a need to adopt a comprehensive anti-corruption and integrity policy in the police, as well as to improve the management of conflicts of interest and additional employment, whistleblower protection and recruitment, promotion and dismissal processes.

GRECO celebrates its 25th anniversaryvol anniversary in 2024. GRECO was established on May 1, 1999 as the Extended Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe concluded by 17 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Romania, Slovakia , Slovenia, Spain and Sweden). Today it has 48 members: 46 member states of the Council of Europe, the USA and Kazakhstan. The EU joined in 2019 as an observer. GRECO is currently preparing the 6th round of evaluation, which will focus on preventing corruption and promoting integrity in local and regional authorities, and will start in 2025.