
No, your Netflix addiction isn’t killing the planet, but these 5 gadget habits may be

This story is part of A month of entertainment at TriplePundit The challenge of sustainable living, where we discover simple ways to save money and reduce our impact on the environment in a fun way. Find out more and take up the challenge here.

Every year or two, news headlines and memes start circulating on the Internet warning that our streaming videos are producing significant greenhouse gas emissions that are causing climate change.

These claims have been largely debunked. Yes, streaming Netflix – or using the internet for anything – uses energy on your device and in the data centers that power the internet. This energy consumption translates into carbon emissions, but the impact is much smaller than often reported. Analysis by the International Energy Agency and PolitiFact shows that 45 minutes of video streaming is roughly equivalent to driving four miles in a gasoline-powered car.

When it comes to the environmental impact of using our gadgets, streaming is way down the list of things to worry about, but if you want to reduce your impact on the environment, you may want to consider the following sustainable gadget habits.

Keep your devices longer

Overall, producing our devices and sourcing the materials needed to produce them has a much greater impact on the environment than we do by turning them on and carrying out our daily tasks. Apple, for example, discloses the lifecycle carbon footprint of all its devices, with the lion’s share attributed to manufacturing.

This means keeping your electronics longer is good for the planet, not to mention your wallet. Extending the life of devices also helps reduce unnecessary electronic waste, the treatment of which raises serious human rights concerns around the world.

Using protective cases for phones, laptops and tablets can reduce the risk of accidents, and deleting old files and unused apps can free up memory and make your devices run faster. And remember to turn them off: Leaving devices on or in sleep mode for weeks without turning them off will shorten their lifespan.

A few simple changes can also help extend battery life, which is one of the main reasons for trading in old devices. To extend battery life, avoid discharging the battery below 20 percent and, if possible, unplug it when it reaches about 80 percent, scientists who study lithium-ion batteries told the Washington Post. Don’t stress about charging your devices overnight, but avoid leaving them plugged in all day. And while we hate to say it, fast charging also puts a strain on your batteries, so save them for when you’re in a hurry and choose a standard charger for everyday use.

If you find yourself reaching for the charger several times a day, you can often add years to the life of your device by simply replacing the battery. If you’re brave enough to do it yourself, iFixIt has an extensive library of repair guides and replacement parts. Computer repair shops and retailers like Best Buy and Apple will also replace batteries for you or fix other common problems like a cracked screen.

Make simple changes to save energy

Most of the energy you use while browsing social media, streaming audio and video, and browsing the Internet actually comes from your device. “For example, a 50-inch LED TV consumes much more electricity than a smartphone (100 times) or a laptop (five times),” according to an analysis by the International Energy Agency.

When purchasing electronic equipment, look for certifications that indicate the device is energy efficient, such as the Energy Star label in the US, European Union energy labels in Europe, or other global ecolabels.

You can also save money and energy by cutting off so-called “vampire power”, which is the energy that large appliances use to stay on standby even when they are turned off. It may seem insignificant, but an estimated 10 percent of American household electricity use can be attributed to vampire energy, costing up to $200 per year. Simply place larger electronic devices such as TVs, sound systems and desktop computers on a power strip and turn them off when not in use.

Buy used appliances whenever you can

Used is a solid option when you see little difference between older models and new ones on the shelf. A waterproof Bluetooth speaker for lounging by the pool, a starter gaming console for the kids, or a keyboard for an ergonomic office setup are just a few examples of where you can save money and environmental impact by choosing used products.

A good place to start is your local thrift store, but warranty options may not be available and you’ll need to check to see if the unit is working properly. Refurbished electronics can provide a greater degree of confidence. While this varies from seller to seller, “refurbished” generally means that the device has been inspected and repaired if necessary. Some retailers, including Apple, Bose, Microsoft, and Samsung, even provide a one-year warranty on refurbished electronics. Check out Engadget’s roundup to find brands and retailers selling refurbished devices.

Clear your cloud space

When you back up photos or archive emails, this data needs to be stored somewhere. Global energy consumption in data centers powering cloud storage is estimated at approximately 0.30 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. While this isn’t something monumental in the grand scheme of things, it’s a lot more than the energy needed to store data on an external hard drive.

Reduce your contribution to cloud clutter and unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions by disabling unnecessary cloud backups and controlling your cloud folders. Deleting 30 versions of the same selfie will be much easier once a week or once a month than it will be if you wait two years and have to deal with thousands of photos. Moving documents, photos and videos you know you want to keep from your cloud folder to an external hard drive if you have one will also reduce your footprint and save you money on additional cloud storage.

Similarly, when it comes to emails, avoid absent-mindedly hitting the “archive” button. If you think you’ll need it later, archive it, but the default setting should be “delete” for things you’ll never read again.

Tell companies that you care about the sustainability of devices and data centers

Ideally, you wouldn’t have to think about this because data centers would be powered by renewable energy and devices would be manufactured to high standards of environmental protection and human well-being. While technology companies are making improvements, this is far from the case at the moment.

Companies tend to take an issue more seriously if they know it’s something their customers are paying attention to and care about. Make your voice heard by reaching out to the technology companies you do business with – and large data center operators – on social media or through the contact forms on their websites. Let them know that you are looking for energy-efficient devices and want your data centers to improve their energy use and switch to renewable energy.

This may seem trivial, but it’s actually the most influential item on this list. If big companies hear the call from their customers to make more changes, the reach of our favorite gadgets could shrink enormously.

How do you reduce the impact of your devices on the environment? Tell us about it at [email protected].

Homepage image: Mollie Sivaram/Unsplash