
The expansion of artificial intelligence faces a hurdle in green energy

Green energy

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Even artificial intelligence is not smart enough to reconcile the left’s ecological agenda with future energy needs.

Some of the most emerging industries today use cutting-edge technology. These include artificial intelligence, data centers and advanced manufacturing. As The Wall Street Journal recently reported, these industries require large amounts of electricity.

This shouldn’t be a problem. The United States has been producing cheap and reliable energy for decades. Years of experience have resulted in innovations and technological improvements. Building reliable power plants may take some time, but should not pose a long-term obstacle.

But it is true. Companies and utilities have the technical knowledge and ability to build more reliable power plants. However, they often encounter serious political obstacles.

The ecological left wants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Greens argue that burning fossil fuels poses an “existential threat to human existence as we know it,” as President Joe Biden said in 2021.

Climate alarmists seek to use their relentlessly dire forecasts to raise money, gain political influence, and change a country’s economy to reflect its dependence on central planning. This approach has proven to be partially successful. Many states now have renewable portfolio standards that require the use of renewable energy, regardless of how practical it is. Some go further. California and Hawaii want to achieve net zero emissions in just 20 years.

A key element of reducing emissions is reducing overall energy consumption. This is because fossil fuels or nuclear power plants are needed to support renewables. Nuclear power does not produce carbon dioxide emissions, but many environmentalists oppose it for reasons that suggest they do not believe global warming poses an existential threat.

One place where this dynamic occurs is the Southeast. Georgia Power is the state’s primary utility. Projections for future demand have increased 16-fold as more energy-hungry companies look to move there. Ensuring energy offers a clear path to economic growth, but greens revolt over increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Nevada presents a huge opportunity as California continues to reform its electric grid, emphasizing less reliable energy sources. Nevada should demonstrate that it can provide reliable energy to industries that can become integral to future growth and prosperity.

Unfortunately, voters and politicians alike have enslaved Nevada to a 50% renewable energy standard by 2030. Nevada has already struggled with energy shortages in recent years. RPS will also increase energy prices.

Fossil fuels and nuclear energy have generated enormous wealth and are still essential to powering the economy. Unfortunately, environmentalists would prefer that we go back to the Stone Age.

Las Vegas Review Magazine 2024. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Quote: AI Expansion Hits Green Energy Roadblock (2024, May 30), retrieved May 30, 2024, from

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