
Apple TV+ may appear on Android (but we’ve heard about it before) – Apple Must

There are times when competition stops making business sense, and one of those times is the failure to launch the Apple TV+ app on Android devices. Not only does this drastically reduce the potential audience for the best contemporary series available on streaming services, but it also adds a layer of inconvenience to the user that doesn’t make much sense.

Perhaps the situation will change

Pinch me if you’ve heard this rumor before, but here we go:

There’s a post on Apple’s recruiting site looking for an Android software engineer to “help build the app that millions use to watch and discover TV and sports.” Salaries are not too high, they range between PLN 131,000 and PLN 243,000. dollars plus lots of benefits.

The wonder is why it took so long to get here. After all, TV+ is already available as an app on many third-party TVs running the TV version of Android, so some of the work to bring the streaming service to Android devices has surely already been done?

This won’t necessarily happen quickly

It will take some time to get there.

The fact that Apple is currently recruiting suggests there’s a lot of work ahead before the Apple TV+ app for Android actually ships. But even if it takes a while to get there, it will be great for the TV service considering how many people are talking about some of the fantastic shows it offers.

It also goes some way to placating critics of Apple’s walled business approach, and also points to other opportunities the company may want to pursue.

One step further

Even app stores – customers using Apple devices seem to really like the curated App Store model – but now the company has been forced to open up to third-party stores in Europe, so why not become a third-party store in its own account? Why should the highly protected and policed ​​App Store be exclusive to Apple when the user experience the company offers on all its devices is part of its success? Would using Apple’s cool app store for Android devices help tempt Android users to switch to more of the same?


Of course, it’s extremely unlikely that Apple will offer an App Store for Android devices, but if it did, it would probably be the best Android store in the world. But while we wait, you might finally be able to watch Apple TV shows on Android devices. One day.

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