
The release of the new hymnbook begins with a first wave of 13 songs

The family gathers around the piano to pray together through song.© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The gradual release of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ new global songbook has begun with the release of 13 new songs. This new music can be accessed digitally through the Sacred Music and Gospel Library app and at the online Church Music Library at

Small batches of new music will continue to be released digitally in preparation for the release of the full songbook, which is currently expected in print and digital formats by the end of 2026 in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. By the end of 2030, the songbook is expected to be available in 50 languages.

Currently available hymns are:

A new training video available in the Church’s online Media Library helps ward leaders and those with musical callings incorporate new music into their worship services. We encourage Latter-day Saints to incorporate this new music into their personal worship and study, and the second video suggests how to do so.

During a media event introducing the new songbook at the Salt Lake City Tabernacle on Thursday, May 30, 2024, Elder Isaac K. Morrison said this new songbook will be an important component of unity in the global faith.

“This is a worldwide Church, a Church of 17 million people,” said Elder Morrison, a native of Ghana. “That’s one way to bring us all together by having the same hymnal with the same page numbers and the same songs. It is simply a blessing that we sing together to praise God and draw us closer to the Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Primary General President Susan H. Porter emphasized the importance of unity through music.

“We hope that these new hymns and songs will (increase) our ability to accept the law of (Christ) in our lives,” she said.

“We are grateful that these hymns and songs will be available starting now, with more to come in the future that will increase our faith and continue to inspire us to do good,” added Elder Michael T. Ringwood of the Seventy, who serves as director executive of the Department for Priesthood and Family.

Reporters’ stories

A unique aspect of the new hymnal collection is the inclusion of hymns sent by Latter-day Saints from around the world.

“It would be much easier if specific writers and specific composers made specific contributions,” said Anna Molgard, music project coordinator at the Church’s Department for Priesthood and Family. “But in the kingdom of the Lord, he allows us to be a part of this great work, so this was a chance for members of our faith to express their own testimonies in their own way and perhaps be able to share it with the world.”

Entrants were asked to submit their work without name or any identifying information so that their work could be assessed individually. Following extensive review, prayer songs were considered and selected for this collection from among 17,000 submissions.

“It was a great experience for us to be able to see, read and read 17,000 testimonies and see the desires and desires of people to express their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in a very specific and unique way,” Molgard said. “We were very grateful and honored by the magnitude of this sacrifice.”

The new sacrament hymns included in this first edition—“As Bread Is Broken” and “Bread of Life, Living Water”—are just some of the selections from the pool of music sent to the Church. These hymns were especially personal to their senders.

Annette Dickman, composer and author of “Bread of Life, Living Water,” found inspiration for her hymn by reflecting on her personal worship.

“I wrote this anthem for myself,” she said. “I have studied and reflected a lot on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, especially how it applied to me personally. I wanted to establish a closer relationship with Him.”

He hopes the hymn will turn hearts and minds to the Savior so that Latter-day Saints will remember the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

“I want people to know that there is hope, that He actually makes us whole and pure and holy, and that when we make these promises, we follow Him and strive to be like Him, we are bound to Him forever “.

Likewise, the germ of the hymn “As Bread Is Broken” came to creator Stephen Reynolds as he sat in sacrament meeting in 2017.

“It’s a time when we take bread and water to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ,” Reynolds said. “I thought about the importance of it and the need for it in my life. When I thought about it, a few ideas came to my mind, a few words, very simple words with a very simple melody.

Like Dickman, Reynolds hopes his anthem will help members become more focused on their covenants and the power they receive through this sacred bond. Both cinematographers are honored and humbled to have their work included in this collection.

“I know the church committee had a lot of work to do,” Reynolds said. “(They reviewed) thousands of submissions very carefully. I’m glad they did it because someone like me, who doesn’t have a name of her own, can still be considered for my work.”

“It is an incredibly exciting day for all of us in the Church to receive these wonderful gifts from faithful members of the Church who have shared their testimonies in such a specific way,” Molgard added. “Sacred music is such a gift of the Lord that it allows us to feel the spirit of the Lord in such a unique way.”

“We cared so much about these very sacred offerings that none of the processes could be rushed, none of them could be rushed or expedited. And the Lord’s time is always right. He allows us to be a part of His work in such a beautiful way that we can see His hand in His work.”

Songbook revisions

In June 2018, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced changes to the hymnal and the Children’s Songbook to better unite members of the global church in their worship. The new collection will be titled “Hymns – for Home and Church.”

“(The songbook) will be a little bit like the Tabernacle Choir,” said Ryan Murphy, a member of the songbook committee and associate music director of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. “It is the gospel that unites us. Hopefully the new songbook will improve that because we will all be singing the same songs.”

New songbook
New songbook

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sing hymns as part of worship. The thirteen hymns that will be included in the new songbook will be available digitally on May 30, 2024.2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The new collection will contain the same track list and numbering in all languages, with a total of 450 to 500 hymns. Local and language-specific anthems, such as patriotic anthems, will be available in language-specific digital collections.

The music was selected based on five criteria approved by the First Presidency:

  1. Strengthen your faith and reverence for our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
  2. Teach basic gospel doctrine with power and clarity.
  3. Invite people to sing joyfully at home and in church.
  4. Comfort the weary and inspire members to persevere in their faith.
  5. Unite members throughout the Church.

“There is something special about singing pure doctrine,” said songbook committee member Anfissa Smith in a recent Newsroom video.

In the introduction to the current hymnal, the First Presidency states: “Brothers and sisters, let us use hymns to invite the Spirit of the Lord into our congregations, our homes, and our personal lives. Let us memorize and meditate on them, let us recite and sing them, and let us eat their spiritual food.”

More information about the updated collection of sacred music can be found at:

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