
ProSomnus will present data on oral appliance therapy in the treatment of OSA

Summary: At SLEEP 2024 in Houston, ProSomnus Inc will present two scientific abstracts demonstrating the clinical effectiveness and patient satisfaction with the use of oral appliance therapy (OAT) devices in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). One study showed that 98% of patients with mild to moderate OSA were successfully treated with ProSomnus OAT devices, while the other showed high levels of patient and provider satisfaction.

Key takeaways:

  • ProSomnus devices, made from medical-grade materials, treated 98% of patients with mild to moderate OSA, with an AHI of less than 10 events per hour.
  • Post-market surveillance showed that 98% of patients and providers reported “first-time” fit of the ProSomnus OAT device, with 99% of patients and 98% of providers expressing satisfaction with the device.
  • Research highlights the growing appreciation for OSA therapies other than CPAP.

At SLEEP 2024 in Houston, ProSomnus Inc will present two scientific abstracts on the clinical effectiveness and patient satisfaction of precision oral appliance therapy devices for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

“An increasing number of physicians are realizing the need for non-CPAP therapies for OSA with recent research documenting patient preferences, FDA recalls, treatment adherence and treatment effectiveness rates,” says Len Liptak, CEO of ProSomnus, in a release . “ProSomnus is proud to collaborate with these scientific abstracts that further investigate and establish the clinical safety and effectiveness of precision oral appliance therapy for patients with obstructive sleep apnea.”


  • Abstract ID 1262: “Evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of an innovative, precise medical device for oral appliance therapy, made entirely of class VI medical material, for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea”
    • This study evaluated the clinical effectiveness of a novel, precision oral appliance therapy medical device (ProSomnus OAT), made entirely of material classified as Class VI according to the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), for the treatment of OSA. Data from 91 patients with OSA showed that 98% of patients with mild to moderate OSA were successfully treated with an AHI of <10 events per hour. No patients discontinued treatment due to material-related adverse events. The study results show that the precision ProSomnus OAT device made of USP Class VI material is safe and effective in the treatment of OSA.
  • Abstract ID 0606: “Post-Market Surveillance of Precision OAT Shows High Patient and Provider Satisfaction”
    • A review of post-market surveys collected from 10,880 patients and 646 providers over a 60-month period found that 98% of patients and providers reported first-time fit, indicating a high-quality device manufactured exactly to specifications. 99% of patients said they were satisfied with their device, and 98% of providers said they were satisfied with the device once it was delivered to the patient.

File photo / ProSomnus EVO