
Amy Fabiano quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education in “The Department of Education has tried to draw the line between free speech and discrimination. It’s still blurry.”

The May 7, 2024 Dear Colleague letter to educational institutions from the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights discusses how Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies to discrimination based on common ancestry or ethnic characteristics . The letter was intended to remind universities that federal law prohibits discrimination based on shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics. Amy Fabiano discussed the new guidelines with: Chronicle of Higher Education.

Amy said institutions should read the guidance carefully and noted that while the examples provided in the letter are “fairly simple” and not as detailed as the questions her clients are asking, institutions may be able to “extrapolate from them what is happening on your campus.” She added that “As the situation on campus has escalated, these tips are truly appreciated.”

Continue reading “The Department of Education has tried to draw the line between free speech and discrimination. It’s still blurry.” IN Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription required).

Categories: Civil rights, discrimination

Tagged in: anti-Semitism, Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination, common descent, Title IV