
New Zealand: Thousands of people protest for Maori rights

Image source, Getty Images

Photo Title, He protested in Wellington on Thursday

  • Author, Catherine Armstrong
  • Role, BBC news

Thousands of people have taken part in protests across New Zealand, angered by what they believe is the government’s eradication of Maori rights.

Thursday’s demonstrations came after the center-right coalition government presented its first budget, announcing tax cuts and outlining savings in areas including housing and the environment.

The Finance Minister has rejected criticism that funding for Māori programs has been cut, saying the new initiatives will benefit all New Zealanders.

Since taking power in October, the government has faced various allegations of attempts to undermine the agency of New Zealand’s indigenous people.

Image source, Getty Images

Photo Title, Large crowds protested outside the New Zealand Parliament buildings in Wellington

Protests – known as hikoi – took place in cities including the capital Wellington, Auckland, Tauranga and Christchurch. Some occurred in convoys of cars on highways, disrupting traffic.

Some people waved the red, white and black Māori flag, which has become a symbol of Māori independence.

“We are here to raise our voices and support those who are working together to make things right not only for us Māori but for the people of New Zealand,” one protester, Christina Taurua, told the AFP news agency outside the Parliament Buildings in Wellington.

“All of a sudden they just come along at the snap of a finger and change some of these laws,” Ethan Smith told Radio New Zealand in Auckland.

“We want them to meet with us… so we can discuss these issues and find a better solution for everyone.”

This is the second such protest since the new government took power, but the demonstrations attracted many more people.

Later on Thursday, the Māori Party, one of six parties represented in the New Zealand Parliament, issued a Declaration of Political Independence and stated that it would take steps to create a separate parliament for Māori.

This, they said, would be part of an effort to transform New Zealand into a nation that respects indigenous sovereignty “and creates a safe home for all peoples”.

According to Statistics New Zealand, people who consider themselves ethnically Māori make up about 17% of the population.

The Māori population remains disadvantaged compared to the general population when assessed on indicators such as health status, household income, educational attainment, and incarceration and mortality rates. There is still a seven-year difference in life expectancy.

Image source, Getty Images

Photo Title, Demonstrators also took to the streets of the country’s largest city, Auckland

Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters – the leader of one of the three coalition parties – criticized the Māori Party for protesting outside parliament instead of attending the budget hearing.

He also noted the “irony and hypocrisy” of the Māori Party, whose president in 2005 described the party’s formation as “unfortunate and frustrating” and those who supported it as “tribal fundamentalists”.

The leaders of the new ruling coalition have already stated that they do not want to divide the country based on race.

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Nicola Willis has rejected allegations that Māori development has been neglected in the new budget.

“It’s a sufficient budget for Māori because when a New Zealander shows up in the emergency room or at school, they don’t show up there thinking about their ethnicity,” she said.

Former prime minister Chris Hipkins, leader of the Labor Party – the country’s largest opposition party, disagreed, saying the budget did little for health and education.

“In New Zealand we work together for the good of the many, not the few,” said an opposition politician. “This budget does not deliver in that spirit.”