
MBRSG is hosting the 2024 annual meeting of the OECD Schools of Government Network

Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government is hosting the annual meeting of the OECD Schools of Government Network in 2024

– Ohood Al Roumi: “Governments must transform to meet new challenges by improving key skills, streamlining processes and implementing artificial intelligence.”
– Ali Al-Marri: “The meeting provides an opportunity for policymakers and researchers to explore and exchange effective strategies and best practices that benefit the public sector.”

Government School Mohammed Bin Rashid (MBRSG), in partnership with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), hosted the 2024 annual meeting of the OECD Schools of Government Network under the theme ‘Transforming the Public Sector’. .

The meeting, held at the MBRSG headquarters on May 28-29, was attended by Her Excellency Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and the Future; His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Sebaa Al Marri, Executive President of the Dr. Ali bin Sebaa Al Marri School of Governance Mohammed bin Rashid; Naheed Nenshi, former mayor of Calgary; Professor Geert Bouckaert from the Institute of Public Management KU Leuven; and Mr. Jón Blondal, Director of the OECD’s Public Management and Budgeting Division, together with a group of leading experts from 33 countries and 41 government schools around the world.

Then-leader Al Roumi confirmed the importance of the OECD Schools of Government Network meeting to discuss transformation strategies in the government sector around the world and exchange experiences to strengthen international cooperation in the development of government institutions and talents.

She added: “Governments must transform to meet new challenges by enhancing key skills, streamlining processes and implementing artificial intelligence. In line with this transformation, the UAE has launched initiatives to equip government staff with future skills, projects to achieve zero bureaucracy, efforts to activate artificial intelligence in government work, as well as initiatives to enhance future preparedness and the framework for it institutionalization in units of the federal government.”

The annual meeting focused on workforce transformation, modernization of technology and learning techniques, and strategies to promote positive changes in work culture in the government sector. It also analyzed the challenges and changes shaping the public sector, with particular emphasis on the role of innovation, artificial intelligence, learning and the workforce.

Then Dr Al Marri said: “The annual meeting offers policymakers and experts a unique opportunity to learn about best practices and strategies that can promote positive transformation in the public sector.”

He said: “The meeting focused on the importance of innovation in educating government workers in areas including public policy and administration. It reflects the commitment of the Mohammed bin Rashid Governing School and the OECD Network of Government Schools to lead the public sector towards a brighter future. The organization of this event reflects a strong commitment to increasing innovation in public policy and administration education.

Leading transformation
At the opening of the meeting, Nenshi shared his experience in leading major transformations in Calgary that resulted in increased citizen satisfaction. The session also explored the importance of leadership vision, cultural change, and civil service reform and modernization.

Day one sessions focused on the theme of “Leading Transformation,” covering the strategic management and cultural changes needed to drive innovation and performance. The discussions highlighted the role of artificial intelligence and demographic changes in the development of services.

On the first day, there was also a plenary session entitled Leading Transformation – Guiding Organization and Cultural Changes, during which participants discussed how public sector leaders can design and lead effective transformations in public services.

In a session titled Workforce Transformation – Artificial Intelligence and Demography, participants looked at the impact of new technologies and demographic changes on the workforce and the strategies needed to adapt to these changes. During the session, the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government presented the role of government schools in shaping the future of government work in the face of the spread of artificial intelligence, and also shared contributions to the School’s research in this field.

Transforming learning systems
The second day’s sessions focused on the topic “Transforming Learning Systems”, during which participants discussed new methods of education and training in the public sector.

These sessions provided participants with a platform to share methodologies, best practices and challenges they faced. They also addressed the key role of executive leadership groups in driving organizational and cultural change in departments.

Additionally, the session explored the impact of artificial intelligence and demographic change on public services, examining how to design and implement innovative learning methods.

MBRSG is a leading academic and research institution in the Arab world specializing in government administration and public policy. Its aim is to support governance excellence in the UAE and the wider Arab world. It offers an integrated system of education, training and research, offering programs and documenting the successes and experiences of the UAE government. It also facilitates the exchange of knowledge between government institutions in the United Arab Emirates and among Arab countries.