
Tajikistan appeals to the EU to increase support in the energy sector – Daryo News

Tajikistan has asked the European Union (EU) to increase financial resources for key sectors of its economy, including: economic AND transport corridors, energy, green economy and digitalization. This request was made by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, Zavqi Zavqizoda, during talks with Henrik Hololei, advisor to the Directorate-General for International Partnership of the European Commission, according to the Ministry of Economy and Trade of Kyrgyzstan.

Photo: Tajikistan appeals to the EU to increase support in the energy sector
Source: Google Images

During the meeting, they talked about developing cooperation in various areas, such as trade, industry, green economy, digitalization, energy, transport and logistics, environmental protection and climate change.

Zavqizoda emphasized that Tajikistan considers the EU to be a reliable and important partner in implementing the country’s strategic goals and socio-economic development.

Tajikistan received 91 million euros from the EU in the first phase of the EU Multiannual Indicative Program (MIP) for 2021-2024 for priority projects. The EU MIP project for 2024–2027 is currently being developed, with funding to be determined in 2024.

In 2023, Tajikistan’s trade with the EU amounted to 401.5 million dollars, a decrease of 22% compared to 2022

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