
Online calculator to help startups struggling with US regulations

SAN FRANCISCO – Aegis Space Law offers a free online calculator to help U.S. companies navigate the complex regulatory landscape.

The space regulations calculator, unveiled on June 4, is intended to introduce early-stage space companies to learning how to comply with space-related regulations from the Department of Commerce, Federal Aviation Administration, Federal Communications Commission, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Department of State.

“Aegis works with many space startups,” said Bailey Reichelt, partner and co-founder of Aegis Space Law Space news by e-mail. “The common denominator is that they don’t see regulations as something to plan for until they get the engineering and financial issues sorted out. Unfortunately, regulatory time frames may be significantly longer than other time frames.”

Founders should consider regulatory approval once they start designing space systems and raising money “to optimize the chances of success for this business,” said Reichelt, who developed the space regulatory calculator with Aegis partner Will Lewis.

Costly mistakes

Failure to consider regulations early in the planning process can lead to costly and time-consuming mistakes. For example, a satellite company might choose a foreign antenna array because of its price and compatibility with terrestrial stations, not realizing that the operating frequency would impose a “long and expensive regulatory burden,” Reichelt said.

In addition, federal takeover regulations for existing contracts sometimes prohibit the use of foreign-sourced components.

“These types of failures always happen when you have no idea what regulations apply to you,” Reichelt said.

legal advice

Traditionally, space companies have hired lawyers to determine what regulations apply to their work. Many new space companies can’t afford “the sophisticated legal advice needed to service so many agencies,” Reichelt said. “This leaves companies vulnerable to mistakes that can cost them time and money.” She added that regulatory failures could even threaten a company’s profitability or its mission.

“It is completely unwise for a company with no cash flow to spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyers before they even hire employees,” Reichelt said. “If we want the space industry to succeed – if we want the U.S. technology sector to continue to lead the world in innovation – we must remove widespread legal and regulatory barriers.

The Space Law Calculator is designed to help startups determine what type of licenses and permits they will need, how long the approval process takes, and what expenses they may incur to comply with the regulations.

“For example, a small company looking to launch its first satellite will find, among other things, that it may need to plan at least two years in advance to ensure it obtains the required licenses before launch,” the press release reads.

Aegis attorneys plan to update the Space Regulation Calculator as regulations change.

Washington, D.C.-based Aegis space law attorneys helped found the nonprofit Association of Commercial Space Professionals. In addition, Aegis lawyers lecture at the Space Regulatory Bootcamp organized by the Association.