
How to stop battery drain in iOS 17.5.1

Battery drain in iOS 17.5.1

Battery draining is a common problem faced by iPhone users, especially after updating to a new iOS version such as 17.5.1. If you notice that your device’s battery life is decreasing faster than usual, don’t worry. There are several effective steps you can take to alleviate the problem and extend the life of your iPhone battery. This guide will walk you through updating apps, managing unused apps, adjusting settings, and disabling unnecessary features to optimize your device’s battery performance.

Updating third-party applications

One of the first steps to troubleshooting battery consumption is to make sure all third-party apps are up to date. App developers frequently release updates to improve compatibility with the latest iOS versions, fix bugs, and optimize performance. Outdated applications can cause inefficiency and use more energy than necessary, which leads to faster battery consumption. For example, an outdated social media app may run background processes inefficiently, constantly refreshing data even when it’s not in use.

To update apps, open the App Store, tap your profile icon in the top right corner and scroll down to see the list of available updates. Click “Update All” to install the latest versions of all apps at once or update them individually if necessary. By updating your apps, you minimize the risk of battery-draining bugs and keep them running smoothly on iOS 17.5.1.

Delete unused applications

Over time, you may have a build-up of apps on your iPhone that you no longer use regularly. These unused apps can continue to consume system resources in the background, contributing to battery drain. To optimize your device’s performance, it’s a good idea to periodically review your list of apps and remove those you don’t need.

To remove an app, touch and hold its icon on the home screen until it starts moving. Tap the “X” button that appears in the top left corner of the app icon and then confirm deletion. You can also go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage, select an app, and then click “Remove App.” By deleting unused applications, you free up disk space and reduce the load on your device’s resourcesultimately helping to extend battery life.

Disabling the battery drain function

iOS 17.5.1 includes several features that, when enabled, can significantly impact battery life. Two notable examples are the Journal app and the Significant Locations feature.

The Journal app is designed to help you write down and organize your thoughts, but it can consume a lot of battery due to data downloading in the background. If you don’t use this app often, consider disabling its features or deleting it completely. This will prevent the app from constantly updating and syncing data in the background, which significantly saves battery life.

Significant Locations is another feature that can take a toll on your battery. Once enabled, it tracks your movements to provide location-based suggestions and services. While this can be useful, it requires your iPhone to constantly monitor and record your location, which consumes battery power. To disable important locations:

  • Select Settings > Privacy > Location Services
  • Scroll down and tap “System Services”
  • Turn off “Important Locations”

By turning off this feature, you prevent your device from constantly tracking your location, thus saving battery life.

Customize settings to extend battery life

In addition to turning off specific features, you can also adjust various settings on your iPhone to optimize battery performance. Two areas to focus on are product improvement settings and Always On Display.

Apple collects analytics data to improve its products and services, but this process may consume battery power. To disable these settings:

  • Select Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements
  • Turn off options like “Share iPhone stats” and “Improve Siri and dictation”

By blocking your device from sending data to Apple, you can extend battery life without significantly impacting your user experience.

Always On Display is a convenient feature that allows you to quickly see important information, but it can also contribute to battery consumption. To extend battery life, consider turning off “Show wallpaper”:

  • Go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Always-on Display
  • Turn off “Show wallpaper”

This simple adjustment can significantly impact battery usage while still enabling the Always On Display feature.

Manage connectivity features

iPhone connectivity features such as Wi-Fi and Personal Hotspot can also impact battery life if they are turned on unnecessarily. Get into the habit of turning off these features when you don’t need them to prevent your device from constantly searching for connections and consuming battery power.

To turn off Personal Hotspot:

  • Select Settings > Personal Hotspot
  • Turn off “Let others join”

To turn off Wi-Fi:

  • Select Settings > Wi-Fi
  • Turn off “Wi-Fi”

By managing these connectivity features, you can significantly reduce battery consumption and extend your iPhone’s battery life.

Implementing these strategies can effectively reduce battery consumption and improve the overall battery life of your iPhone on iOS 17.5.1. Each adjustment applies to a specific area of ​​the device’s functionality, and their combination contributes to more efficient and longer-lasting battery operation. By updating apps, deleting unused ones, turning off battery drain features, customizing settings, and managing connectivity, you can optimize your iPhone’s battery life and enjoy a seamless iOS 17.5.1 experience.

Image credit and credit: iDeviceFocus

Filed Under: Apple, Apple iPhone, Guides

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