
We are powered by hydropower! The world’s first circular design features Holcim

Using water to supplement sunlight

In Queensland, 20% of electricity demand was met from renewable sources in 2022, and one in three households has a rooftop photovoltaic system installed. But when the sun isn’t shining, coal-fired power is now needed to meet peak energy demand in the early morning and evening.

From 2025, the Kidston project will be able to meet this demand by offering eight hours of rapid response to water-generated energy. Water is diverted from one gold mine – the upper reservoir – through a shaft that drives twin turbines on its way to another mine (the lower reservoir). During the day, when excess renewable energy is available, water is pumped back to the upper dam where it is ready for reuse.

Building renewable infrastructure in a closed way

“Holcim has prioritized the sustainability of the project by using 100% recycled aggregates in all supplied concrete used for both surface and underground works in the 2km access tunnel to the pumping station,” explains Alex.

Mining waste was also shredded, screened and processed on site, replacing the need for quarrying and contributing to the development of a circular economy. The by-product of the crushing operation was also recycled for use in the stabilized sand cover material used on the upstream dam of the project.