
Tk 41,407cr proposed for health sector

SANGSAD BHABAN, June 6, 2024 (BSS) – Considering the health sector as a priority, Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali today proposed an allocation of Taka 41,407 crore for the health and family welfare sector in the next fiscal year 2024-2025, which will be Taka 38,051 crore in fiscal year 2023-24.

While fixing the budget for the next financial year, the Finance Minister said: “In order to develop the medical sector, the Father of the Nation established the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) in 1972 and also defined its functions.”

He stated that notable functions include the development and organization of scientific research in various health science disciplines, the development and improvement of scientific research in various disciplines of health, reproductive health and nutrition to identify issues and problems related to medical needs and health care, and to take action aimed at the proper application and use of medical research results.

Guided by the principles of the Father of the Nation, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has undertaken and implemented extensive development programs in the field of medical science research over the last 15 years.

Ensuring universal health and nutrition is one of the fundamental principles of our government, the Finance Minister said, adding: “We are working to implement this principle. In particular, we are working diligently to build a healthy, strong and vibrant population by providing high-quality, affordable healthcare, nutrition and social services (HNP) to society.”

“We have already achieved commendable progress in developing the health, nutrition and family care sectors,” he also said, adding that despite resource constraints, Bangladesh has demonstrated remarkable success in achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals.

“Inspired by this, we are working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and the goals of the Perspective Plan by 2041 and to provide smart health services,” added the Minister of Finance.

The Finance Minister said that significant progress has been made in the health sector over the last decade and a half.

“The maternal mortality rate in 2007 was 351 per lakh and has now decreased to 136. The under-five mortality rate was 60 per thousand in 2007 and has now decreased to 33. The infant mortality rate in 2007 was 29 per thousand, which means he stated that in 2007 the average life expectancy was 66.6 years, and now it has increased to 72.3 years.

The success of Bangladesh’s immunization expansion program has received global praise, he said, adding that the complete vaccination rate for children under one year of age has increased from 75 to 94 percent.

Last year, 10,500 doctors, 15,000 nurses, 1,000 midwives and 650 medical technologists were recruited to maintain and strengthen these achievements in the health sector, Mahmood Ali said, adding that another recruitment of 10,000 nurses is underway.

While preparing the budget for the next financial year, he said the government was continuing the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) to protect children and women from various deadly infectious diseases. Currently, citizens are being vaccinated against 11 deadly infectious diseases. children, adolescent girls and women under the EIP program.

From October 2023, the program includes a vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV), which prevents cervical cancer in women,” said the Minister of Finance, adding that this vaccine is administered in the form of a campaign to all adolescent girls aged 10 to 10. . 14 years old and students of grades 5-9 of educational institutions in the country.

Mahmood Ali said that already the first phase of the campaign has been successfully completed in Dhaka district, adding that a decision has been taken to add typhoid conjugate vaccine and Japanese encephalitis vaccine to the EPI program in 2025.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina launched community clinics to implement the initiative taken by the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to reach the health sector to people in rural areas, he added.

The Finance Minister stated in his proposed budget speech that contrary to the target of building 18,000 community clinics, 14,311 community clinics have already been built across the country.

He said, “In these community clinics, rural people are provided with healthcare services and 27 types of medicines are provided free of cost. Recently, the United Nations adopted the first resolution on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s innovative Community Clinic model, which has been recognized by the world community as a role model, titled “Community Clinic: Sheikh Hasina’s Initiative”.

The Finance Minister said that the United Nations urged other UN member states to emulate this innovative idea of ​​the Prime Minister.

The Minister of Finance stated that significant progress has also been made in the digitization of the health sector.

From national health institutions and hospitals to community clinics, rural health workers have been equipped with computers, laptops and tablets with internet access, he said, adding that an electronic health database is being created by providing health cards with a single medical identifier to all citizens. Currently, common medical documentation has been introduced in 62 hospitals. Additionally, work on the National e-Health Policy Strategy was completed.

High-quality telemedicine services have been introduced in 96 hospitals, including 24 specialist hospitals, 15 district hospitals and 57 upazila hospitals, he added.

Since medicine is an essential part of healthcare, the pharmaceutical industry has been identified as a holdover sector. Thanks to various initiatives coupled with political support, Bangladesh is now able to produce world-class medicines, Mahmood Ali said.

“About 98 percent of the country’s total drug demand is produced locally and once the domestic demand is met, the drugs are exported to over 150 countries in the world, including Europe and America,” he added.

He also said that from January to December 2023, medicines worth Tk will be exported. ₹9,880 crore has been approved for transportation from Bangladesh to various countries,” he added.

To improve the quality of health services, modern and high-quality health education is necessary, said the Minister of Finance and added: “In this context, in accordance with the State Health Policy for 2011, medical and nursing education as well as educational institutions are being modernized and modernized.

“Steps have been taken to bring all medical postgraduate degrees under one platform, modernize the examination system and provide teacher training,” Mahmood Ali said.

“Over the last 15 years, there has been a significant increase in both the number of medical institutes and the number of places available. In this context, I would like to mention that in 2008, there were only 59 medical universities in our country, which has now increased to 111,” he added.

The number of dental colleges and institutes was 13, which has increased to 35. In 2008, the number of seats in government medical colleges was 2,310, which has now increased to 5,381, the Finance Minister said while fixing the budget for FY 24-25.

“In addition, projects to establish Chittagong Medical University, Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib Medical University, Rajshahi, Sylhet Medical University and Sheikh Hasina Medical University, Khulna have been approved,” he added.

If all these projects are implemented, health education will be further developed, Mahmood added.

He added that for the purpose of building Smart Bangladesh, the process of selecting students for MBBS and BDS courses in private medical and dental colleges and the process of admitting foreign students have been automated.

In his Budget speech, the Finance Minister stated that safe delivery services are provided by qualified midwives and midwives at the union level to ensure maternal and child health care, including facilitating family planning services.