
BC designates one minister as point of contact for restaurant industry – BC News

“Contact point” for the sector

British Columbia’s restaurant industry hopes the British Columbia government’s decision to designate one minister as a “point of contact” for the sector is a sign that the government wants to provide significant help to the struggling industry.

On Thursday, the province announced that Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Lana Popham will now be the point of contact for British Columbia’s restaurant and hospitality sector to communicate concerns.

“It can be very difficult to bring about real, meaningful change when we have to talk to four different ministries just to change one policy,” said Mark von Schellwitz, vice-president of Restaurant Canada for Western Canada.

“While there is still a lot of work ahead, we appreciate the government’s signaling of willingness to work with the restaurant sector and look forward to turning this energy into long-lasting change.”

In recent years, restaurants across the country have faced significant challenges due to restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic and, consequently, increases in operating costs and rents.

“Restaurants are such an important part of our communities and local economies that we know the last few years have been difficult for this industry,” Popham said in a news release.

“I am excited to serve as the point person for the BC Restaurants & Foodservices Association and Restaurants Canada government to make it easier for the industry to access the support it needs.”