

Where news breaks first, every time

A big MMORPG-Studio in the West has been available for 24 years at the end it turns out that there is only one game and one real player

A big MMORPG-Studio in the West has been available for 24 years at the end it turns out that there is only one game and one real player

Offenbar aben vereinzelte Spieler von Star Trek Online a Nachricht der Entwickler bekommen, in der the End of optional Abos angekündigt wird. Für alle activen Subscriber gibt’s wohl eine spannende Wiedergutmachung.

Was it for one night? Steve_Thing was sent to Reddit in an email, in the launch of Star Trek Online at the end of October for October 10, 2024. In the latest news:

„Wir haben zwar schon mehrere Jahre lang keine neuen Abonnenten zugelassen, doch gab’s viele von euch, die ihre Unterstützung für noser Spiel aufrechterhalten haben. We have all the means to ensure that we had the chance to do this – from January 1, 2024. An asset of Abo besessen hat, an organization of Abos in eine kostenlose, lebenslange Mitgliedschaft erhalten.“

Star Trek Online presents a new introduction – here the Ascension update trailer:

Star Trek Online: Ascension launch trailer

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The answer to the end of Star Trek Online?

Was this the Teil of lebenslangen subscriptions? You can get a fast life company of 300 US dollars. The Boni der Gold-Mitglieder hören unterem (via

  • 13 character slots
  • 144 inventory slots
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  • 40 bank locations managed per account
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  • Up to 16 slots for a comfortable travel desk
  • 500 Einheiten der Währung ZEN pro Monat
  • Erhöhte Obergrenze for the storage of energy credits
  • Connect with your priority
  • 800x Dilithium veredelung for 24 pieces
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  • Access to the test server
  • Play as befreiter Borg
  • Game like Talaxianer
  • Zugang zum Captains Table – un special place, der nur für Lifetime-Subscription zugänglich ist
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How is the community interested in this organization?

  • Keshmarorange wrote on Reddit: “This is truly fantastic! Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle, die es so weit geschafft haben, et willkommen im Lifetime-Club!“
  • neok182 wondered if on Reddit: “I’m so happy… Is gab Leute, die noch für ein monatliches Abonnement zahlten? I can’t have a single answer, but I ask it in letzten 6 years monatlich gezahlt hat, but when I got it, and then I bought it one free for life, but I have 5 to 8 times more of time to have it for life as we did for life. -Leute.
  • FuturePastNow tells you (via Reddit): “This is what’s happening to you. I address myself, as the viele Leute das betrifft… es können nicht allzu viele sein. If you don’t have any old subscriptions, the new Subscriptions will be available, if you’re already on the right track, you’ll have new Subscriptions available.“

What is the current situation at Cryptic? During our next few days, I will be touring Cryptic Studios until the end of October. American companies are launching 24-year-old MMORPGs like City of Heroes, City of Villains, Champions Online, Star Trek Online and Neverwinter into the market.

Die Cryptic Studios has been out since 2011 with Perfect World, and in 2021 the Swiss band Embracer was established. The company is located in India during a giant billion-deal that is taking place quickly for two years in a consolidation project.

The last time men were tested was when they were the best yet – again for life, I had the opportunity to use them before the Star Trek Online server went offline .