
How Web3 is changing the global regulatory framework – TradingView News

The 2024 edition of the Proof of Talk conference filled the grand halls of the Louvre in Paris, France, with some of the biggest names and thought leaders in the Web3 space.

During a main stage fireside chat titled “What It Takes to Win in the Protocol Economy,” panelists Jenny Johnson, CEO of Franklin Templeton, and Mo Shaikh, founder of the Aptos blockchain network, touched on a number of key topics relevant to the industry.


This included what it really means to provide banking services to the global unbanked population, how the protocol economy is changing regulators, and more.

Laws and regulations

It is common knowledge that regulators around the world are working diligently to establish measures that would most thoroughly and effectively address the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.

Johnson highlighted progress in Europe with the Markets in Cryptocurrency Regulation (MiCA), which has emerged in recent years, and Singapore’s “sandbox approach”, in which industry regulation will be shaped through various trials.

She also mentioned that “Hong Kong has made a very clear effort to attract companies. The UAE is very forward-thinking about this – you have to be based in the UAE.”