
Slovenia confirms the coal phase-out date in the updated NECP plan

Slovenia has prepared an updated version of its National Energy and Climate Plan, which increases targets for renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

The initial energy and climate plans (NECPs) of EU Member States for 2030 were approved by the European Commission in 2019. Draft updated plans were due to be submitted by June 2023 and the final plans by June 2024.

Analyzes of the final plans show, among other things, that countries increased their photovoltaic goals by 87% compared to previous versions.

Slovenia is currently conducting a public consultation on the final updated version of the National Energy and Climate Plan, which started on 20 May and ends on 23 June.

Renewable energy target raised to 33%

The original target for the share of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption by 2030 was 27%, which has now been increased to 33%. The EU target is over 42.5%.

Slovenia had a 25% share at the end of 2022, thanks to a statistical energy transfer from Croatia, based on an agreement between the two countries. Home energy production was not enough to provide 25% renewable energy.

In total, the share in heating and cooling at the end of 2022 was almost 34%, in the electricity sector 37%, and in transport 7.8%.

In the updated plan, Slovenia also raised its greenhouse gas emission reduction target from 36% to 55%, which is in line with the EU level target. However, this target is expected to be achieved by 2033, not 2030. The base year is 2005.

NECP goals in Slovenia

Kumer: Energy efficiency will become accessible to every household

Minister of Environment, Climate and Energy Bojan Kumer noted that the main contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions will be the completion of the country’s phase-out of coal, which is expected to be completed by 2033.

As it phases out coal, Slovenia will decarbonize electricity production, Kumer said during the third public discussion on the final update of the national energy and climate plan, held in the capital Ljubljana.

The new NECP significantly strengthens ambitions for efficient energy use. The planned final energy consumption by 2030 will not exceed 50.2 TWh, an improvement of over 11% compared to the previous target of 54.9 TWh.

According to the ministry, the plan also takes into account the problem of energy poverty. It provides for actions that will provide access to energy efficiency even for energy-poor households.

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