
Spy cell testimony reveals US plots against Yemen’s economy and key sectors

Spy cell testimony reveals US plots against Yemen’s economy and key sectors

(June 11, 2024)

SANA’A June 11, 2024 (Saba) – Recent disclosures by Yemen’s security agencies have shed light on covert U.S. operations orchestrated to undermine the country’s economy and key sectors.

These reports result from the testimony of Jameel al-Faqih, a key agent of the American-Israeli spy network. Al-Faqih’s testimony details a decade-long mission focused on gathering intelligence on Yemen’s economic landscape, including its central bank, commercial banks, currency and government financial institutions.

Al-Faqih revealed that he was recruited by US intelligence in 2009 under the supervision of officer Bryan McRath, who was entrusted with economic affairs at the US Embassy. His role was primarily to gather information from the economic sector, a task he performed diligently throughout his twelve-year tenure at the embassy.

Espionage activities:
His espionage efforts extended beyond financial institutions and included ministries, customs, tax and trade authorities. Al-Faqih’s duties included providing the U.S. intelligence community with insight into Yemen’s industrial and commercial sectors, often by recruiting informants within government agencies.

Goals and objectives:
Central to his mission was insight into the functioning of Yemen’s central bank, including its cash reserves. Following the closure of the U.S. embassy in Sanaa in 2015, al-Faqih was redirected to gather intelligence on the Sanaa government’s revenues and budget processes.

Focus on economic impact:
Al-Faqih’s confessions also revealed a strategic push to weaken Yemen’s national currency and efforts to prevent the circulation of illegally printed currency, which destabilizes the financial market. The U.S. directives also aimed to assess the effects of relocating central bank operations from Sanaa to Aden, forecasting economic repercussions, and assessing exchange rates and the provision of basic services.

Joint efforts:
The spy network, composed of American and Israeli elements, strategically recruited economists, oil and trade tycoons, connecting them with intelligence services. Their collective mission was to serve American and Israeli interests by providing hostile intelligence agencies with classified reports on Yemen’s economic sectors.

Policy influence:
US intelligence relied on its agents to understand and subvert measures to prevent hard currency smuggling, intending to implement policies that would further weaken Yemen’s domestic currency against foreign currencies.

Closing statements:
Al-Faqih’s disclosures highlight his key role as a U.S. intelligence conduit offering insight into Yemen’s economic sphere. These reports highlight a broader pattern of foreign intervention that seeks to undermine Yemen’s economic sovereignty and perpetuate the exploitation of its resources.

source: Saba