
Hstoday UK is reintroducing smooth airport security rules after a sudden “temporary” change of government

Britain eliminates floating security rules at airports. Some airports that have implemented new CT scanners no longer enforce restrictions on bringing liquids into the terminal. The others, such as London’s Heathrow airport, are working on it in accordance with government directives.

However, the country’s Department of Transport suddenly and without explanation announced that the 100 ml liquids rule in hand luggage would be temporarily reinstated, so regional airports that had already lifted it would have to start enforcing liquids bans again on Sunday morning.

This change affects airports in Newcastle, Leeds Bradford, London City, Aberdeen, Southend and Teesside – although it could also impact the upcoming introduction of water war détente at larger airports too. (Birmingham Airport is equipped with new CT equipment but still enforces the 100ml rule due to regulatory slot approvals.)

Read the rest of the story at View From The Wing.

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