
Interview with Ideal Power CEO Dan Brdar by

The goal of Ideal Power, Inc. is to revolutionize the renewable energy sector. Specializing in power conversion solutions, Ideal Power is known for its Power Packet Switching Architecture (PPSA) and bi-directional power supply Switch (NYSE:) (B-TRAN) technologies. These improvements are intended to increase the efficiency, reliability and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy systems, which will drive significant advances in energy storage, electric vehicles and other sustainable applications.

The company is led by CEO Dan Brdar, a seasoned executive with extensive experience in power systems and the energy industry. Under Brdar’s leadership, Ideal Power has made progress in refining its technologies and expanding its market presence. Brdar previously served as president and CEO of FuelCell Energy.

What is Net Zero technology?

Brdar told that as more renewable energy sources are added to the U.S. power grid, additional technologies will be key to maintaining a steady flow of energy across the country while ensuring the stability and energy security of the power grid.

“While the long-term benefits of renewable energy to the planet are widely known, the sensitivity of renewables to weather conditions is also very well known. So by building the infrastructure necessary to produce zero-carbon electricity across the U.S., significant progress has also been made in storing excess energy generated under optimal conditions,” he adds.

Brdar believes that technologies such as Ideal Power’s B-TRAN bidirectional switch, which is applicable to a wide range of renewable energy and energy storage solutions, will be key to building all areas of the infrastructure required for a renewable power grid.

This is because renewable energy installations using this product are believed to generate more usable kilowatt-hours of energy than installations using conventional switching solutions.

Moreover, Brdar highlights the need for forecasting renewable energy sources, giving an example IBM Renewable Energy Forecasting Platform (NYSE:) that provides solar and wind forecasts for the coming day.

IBM Environmental Intelligence Suite provides additional data and information needed to optimize renewable energy generation and storage. Energy storage systems must be optimized to ensure a constant supply of energy, and as grid-scale battery technology improves, utilities will be better able to store electricity for longer periods to help them manage load during periods when renewable energy production is less than optimal.

Increase in solar energy supplies and more

Solar stocks have seen significant gains during the pandemic, and Brdar noted that many investors have been able to take advantage of them. However, he believes that there are still opportunities worth taking advantage of.

He highlights that in 2022, annual renewable energy production will exceed coal-fired energy production for the first time in U.S. history. The Solar Industries Association (SEIA) reports that the U.S. added 32.4 gigawatts of new electricity generation capacity last year, a 37% increase from the previous record set in 2021.

Brdar also states that the U.S. Department of Energy expects domestic solar energy production to increase by an impressive 75% by 2025 compared to 2022.

The future of investment in renewable energy technology

Overall, Brdar says that when assessing the renewable energy technology landscape, the potential opportunities for investors are much greater today than they were two years ago, and admits that discovering some of the best investment opportunities may require a little extra work.

“It is no secret that the energy transformation requires a colossal effort, requiring global cooperation between technology companies, regulators and decision-makers, governments and other stakeholders,” he says, pointing to examples of partnerships and cooperation, including Schneider Electric (EPA:) organizing a series of meetings at the roundtable table, encouraging even greater cooperation between the world’s largest technology companies.

“Although we are still several years and decades away from completing the global energy transformation, regulations such as the Inflation Reduction Act are greatly helping to mobilize the necessary capital,” says Brdar. “Of course, investors who want to take part in financing this transformation may have to dig deep at times to discover hidden value plays.”

“Ultimately, investors who know where to look will be able to support the energy transition while achieving attractive returns on their investments,” he adds.

Nasdaq OMX Solar Index

Ideal Power’s CEO notes that the Nasdaq OMX Solar Index, which includes 24 solar-related stocks, has surged from about 1,170 five years ago to about 4,700 in October 2021.

Brdar explains: “In early 2022, the Nasdaq Solar Index bottomed around 2,813, but since the passage of the IRA in late May it has moved closer to 4,700. The good news is that it doesn’t look like solar investment opportunities They will go down in the near future.”

Discover more renewable energy stocks

Want to evaluate the performance of other net zero technologies as part of a diversified portfolio? We have a list of the best renewable energy stocks on our discovery page, as well as the best renewable energy ETFs for investors who prefer diversification built into their strategy.