
Innovative and just green transformation as a tool to ensure systemic energy security and reduce energy poverty

The people of Serbia are increasingly losing access to reliable and affordable energy sources. Polluting and high-emission fuels, excessive time and effort spent on meeting basic energy needs negatively affect their well-being.

The project aims to address growing energy poverty by (1) developing a set of policy measures to ensure access to clean and affordable energy sources for all, including vulnerable citizens, particularly in rural and inaccessible areas, and those who are economically dependent on intensive energy use of fossil fuels and (2) identifying and supporting innovative solutions for generating electricity from renewable sources and reducing energy consumption.

In addition, the project supports policy improvements that improve data collection, information exchange and the development of concrete measures at national and local levels aimed at accelerating a just green transition in Serbia.

As part of the invitation to participate in the Challenge, solutions from private and public sector companies that contribute to cleaning up the environment, decarbonizing the economy, diversifying the electricity generation mix, reducing the energy intensity of the economy and providing clean and affordable energy, especially for vulnerable consumers, will be jointly financed .

Innovative proposals should include reskilling, upskilling of the workforce, re-employment and support for regions most affected by the transition to a low-carbon economy. Supported projects will serve as positive examples of leading change in other similar companies across Serbia.

The Challenge Call will encourage cooperation between Serbian and Japanese companies applying green business principles, as well as companies run by women.

The project is being implemented from May 2023 to March 2024 in cooperation with the Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia with financial support from the Government of Japan in the amount of USD 1 million.

Project goal

Ensuring energy security for all, reducing energy poverty in Serbia and contributing to the achievement of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets

Focus on the project

  • Supporting innovative solutions that reduce dependence on imports, diversify energy sources, reduce the energy intensity of the economy or enable access to clean and affordable energy for vulnerable populations.

  • Improvements to the legal and political system regarding a just green transition and energy poverty