
Tinubu appoints new heads of the Police Service Commission, NPTF

President Bola Tinubu approved the appointment of DIG Hashimu Argungu (Rtd) as Chairman of the Police Service Commission (PSC).

The President also approved the appointment of Onyemuche Nnamani as Secretary and DIG Taiwo Lakanu (RTD) as Member of the Commission.

Appointments are subject to Senate confirmation.

The remaining members of the Police Service Commission will be appointed in due course.

Additionally, the President has approved the appointment of Mohammed Sheidu as the Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Police Trust Fund (NPTF) with immediate effect.

READ ALSO: Press Attack: Newspaper writes to Tinubu over police harassment

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The President expects you to demonstrate absolute integrity, diligence and patriotic zeal in discharging these important functions for the overall good of the Nigeria Police and the nation.

Ajuri Ngelale

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