
The Asus Project Dali laptop is one of the best concept devices at Computex 2024

The Asus Project Dali concept laptop can easily be considered the best concept device of Computex 2024. Although the concept device is based on the ROG Zephyrus G14 laptop, what sets it apart is the full-color E Ink display it is equipped with. on the lid. The display is fully customizable via the app, so you can display any image or pattern on the e-paper display of your choice.

More specifically, it is a 12-inch E Ink Spectra 6 panel with a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels on the laptop’s lid. The display offers a sharp image with rich and vivid colors, although the only drawback is that the refresh time is 10-12 seconds. This shouldn’t be a problem considering the display is only for cosmetic value and has no other function.

It is purely decorative and you can display any image that suits your mood. This is much better than having a sticker because it is quite permanent, that is, until you decide to peel it off and replace it with another one. Improper work can also make the surface sticky, thereby attracting dirt and grime. Nothing like that thanks to the e-paper panel on the lid where you can change the display as often as you want.

The e-paper display also uses very little power, which means battery consumption is negligible. As is typical with any E Ink panel, power is only drawn when the image changes, and once the image settles, no laptop battery is consumed. The 12-inch e-paper display located on the lid should have no noticeable impact on the laptop’s battery life.

Apart from aesthetic issues, special care should be taken when using a laptop with an e-paper panel on the cover. This leaves it exposed at all times and can easily break under even a fraction of the force that the laptop lid would otherwise easily withstand. In any case, the prices of devices equipped with such a display do not exceed $1,000.

This will make the price of the laptop crazy high if it ever hits the market. No wonder Asus is calling it a concept laptop and it’s unlikely it will ever be launched. Price aside, such a laptop would be susceptible to easy damage. Nevertheless, it turns out to be quite a concept device that has caught people’s attention like no other.

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