
Cryptocurrency security risk? Elon Musk Ban oO Apple devices will appear if they implement OpenAI

In a shocking turn of events that has rocked the tech and crypto communities, business tycoon and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, has issued a stern warning to tech company Apple: dangerous prohibit Tesla from using Apple devices if the tech giant integrates OpenAI into its operating system.

Musk, who has been open about his concerns about artificial intelligence (AI) and its possible threats, made this statement amid growing rumors that Apple may include OpenAI capabilities in upcoming releases of its iOS and macOS operating systems.

Apple’s intelligence for sending data cryptologically

On Monday, a technological colossus Apple during the annual World Developers Conference WWDC 2024 announced its move towards artificial intelligence called Apple Intelligence, which is a set of innovative functions of generative artificial intelligence.

Additionally, it was revealed that users can use ChatGPT with OpenAI when using Siri, but only if they choose to do so. With this integration, Apple’s digital assistant is undergoing its most significant overhaul since its 2011 launch.

Apple’s Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi noted that the company has included support for Siri so that it can take advantage of ChatGPT’s expertise when it might be beneficial to users. “You will be able to access ChatGPT for free without having to create an account, and your request and information will not be recorded,” he added.

The integration will be available on macOS Sequoia, iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 later this year. The company also promised to include more artificial intelligence models from third-party sources.

Apple Intelligence will deploy cloud-based Apple Silicon models on dedicated servers to protect user privacy and security. According to Apple, it will only transfer a limited amount of data in a cryptographically secure manner when the request needs to reach a cloud server.

However, Elon Musk, dissatisfied with the idea, he revealed that his companies would not allow Apple devices if they integrated OpenAI at the operating system level. “Visitors will need to check their Apple devices at the door, where they will be stored in a Faraday cage,” he added.

Musk opposes integration because he believes it is an unacceptable security breach. His ban threats highlight growing tension between established tech companies and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs who support more decentralized, user-centric methods.

User security is at risk

Elon Musk next criticized the company’s claim that Apple cannot create AI on its own, let alone guarantee that OpenAI will ensure security and privacy, is patently absurd. According to the CEO, Apple has no idea what’s really going on when they submit user data to OpenAI, claiming that users are being sold.

The CEO may be concerned about the ability of OpenAI’s technology to enable mass data collection and monitoring, which could threaten the privacy and security of cryptocurrency transactions. So introducing OpenAI into the Apple ecosystem could result in more stringent data surveillance and could also hamper the anonymous and peer-to-peer nature of cryptocurrencies.

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