
Scroll through Instagram videos or shorts on iPhone without touching it

Scrolling through videos vertically is an embarrassing pleasure for many of us. We do it in our free time, during working hours, after a long, tiring day, when you don’t feel like moving but want to scroll Instagram. Now you can do the same using gestures on your Apple device. Android devices have long had apps that allow them to use gestures on their devices, but now iPhone users can do the same.

How to enable gestures on iPhones

After a long time, Apple has finally decided to use user feedback to provide more customizable features in iOS. Apple has finally started providing customizable features like gestures and voice control. Combining both of these features will allow us to scroll through our reels or short videos with just our voice.

1. Access your device settings and click “Availability

2. From there, tap Voice Control and turn it on.

3. Once you turn on voice control, you can use basic commands such as scrolling up and down.

4. You can check whether voice control is enabled or not via the small blue icon at the top of the screen.

Note – It should be used carefully as it will hijack any audio output. When using it, you may need to control your surroundings, otherwise it will detect conversations in the background and may be activated.

To prevent this from happening, you can turn on the “Attention” option. This will prevent you from accidentally issuing commands by only activating the voice control option when you’re looking at your iPhone and pausing when you look away.

How to add custom gestures on your iPhone

You can now create your own gestures and voice commands for iPhone. This feature is innovative and quite useful, even though we have many built-in commands in the device. You can create and program the gesture as you wish, or you can isolate the application in which the custom gesture will run.

1. Go to settings and then click accessibility.

2. From there, enable voice control.

3. Then you need to click “Commands” under voice control. Then click Custom and tap “Create a new command

4. Choose a phrase you’ll use, and then choose the action that phrase will perform.

5. Select one of three options: Insert text, Launch custom gesture, or Launch shortcut.

6. Add a custom gesture and choose which app it will work for, or let it work for all apps.

Note – Apple has created a great voice control system. It is fast and functional. However, the voice giving orders and commands should be checked. You can access any iPhone and start using voice control. In my opinion, there should be a voice training model that can detect the owner’s voice and specifically execute commands spoken in that particular voice.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Do iPhones support gestures like Android?

iPhone has gestures built into its user interface, but you can also create your own custom gestures. You can find a detailed guide in the article above.

Q. Is there a third party app that allows you to use gestures?

There is no third-party app specifically for iPhone users. However, you can find many Android apps.

Q. How can we access gestures on iPhone?

You can find gestures in settings>Accessibility>Voice control>Custom gestures. Detailed explanations can be found in the articles above.


Gestures are always fun to use, and customizing them to perform a specific task is the icing on the cake. iPhones have many built-in commands and gestures that can be very useful for the average user. They need to further optimize the technology by adding voice authentication controls as well as gesture sensitivity in some apps. For such useful tips and tricks, stay tuned to GadgetsToUse.

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