
CITU protests anti-worker policies, presents 12-point demands

Agartala, July 10, 2024: The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU), Tripura state committee, took to the streets on Wednesday in a violent protest against the perceived anti-worker policies of both the central and state governments. The organisation submitted a detailed 12-point list of demands to the state government, advocating for the rights and fair treatment of workers.

The demonstration started in front of the CITU building and moved through various streets of the city, culminating in a large gathering at Orient Chowmuhani.

Addressing a rally, CITU state president Manik Dey slammed the current administration. “The BJP government is an anti-worker government,” Dey said. “Since they came to power for the third time, they have been systematically implementing policies that are harmful to the people. They are exploiting workers in the guise of contract work, forcing them to work hard for 18 hours without paying dues.”

Highlighting the plight of various sections of workers, Dey added, “Anganwadi workers, ASHA workers and many others are not getting their salaries on time despite working non-stop throughout the day. The Supreme Court has ruled that cooperative salaries should be paid, but the state government continues to ignore the verdict, depriving the workers of their due salaries.”

Dey also expressed concerns about the government’s broader economic policies. “Government properties are being sold off and the prices of basic goods are skyrocketing. This administration’s policies are pushing ordinary people into even deeper financial trouble,” he said.

One of the key demands of the protest was the withdrawal of the new pension system. “We demand the cancellation of the new pension system and the reintroduction of the old pension system,” Dey said, emphasizing the necessity of this change for the sake of the retired workforce.

The CITU protest on Wednesday highlighted growing discontent among workers and raised urgent questions about the current government’s commitment to protecting workers’ rights and economic equality.