
Over 1,100 Kuwaitis Appointed, Kuwaitization Rate Increases to 97.6% in MEW

KUWAIT CITY, September 26: According to statistics from the Ministry of Electricity and Water, 1,133 Kuwaitis were appointed in the technical and administrative sectors in the last eight months of 2024. The Kuwaitization rate reached 97.6 percent in August, up from 97.5 percent in January. The total number of employees reached 35,506, including 34,666 Kuwaitis and 840 non-Kuwaitis in August 2024. In comparison, the total number of employees in January was 34,395, including 33,533 Kuwaitis and 862 non-Kuwaitis. This reflects a decrease of 22 expatriates due to replacements and retirements during the period. According to informed sources, appointments are made in accordance with the annual requirements of the ministry’s sectors and their need for specific technical and administrative specialisations and available professional degrees.

By Mohammed Ghanem

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times staff