
Husband caught his wife having sex with his brother in the car while his mom was sitting in front

Husband caught his wife having sex with his brother in the car while his mom was sitting in front

An angry husband has been jailed in Australia for going on a spade-wielding rampage after he caught his wife having sex with his brother in the back of the car while his mum sat in the front.

David McCulloch, 41, pleaded guilty last week to brutal assault after catching the duo frolicking in a car in Tasmania in March. The lawyer reported this.

The bizarre ordeal unfolded when a suspicious McCulloch tracked down his wife Jacinta King after she failed to answer her phone on several occasions, Burney Supreme Court heard during her sentencing hearing.

David McCulloch, 41, pleaded guilty last week to brutal assault after catching his wife Jacinta King and brother in a car in Tasmania earlier this year. Jacinta David McCulloch King / Facebook

He found his wife of six years, with whom he also has four children, in the back seat of a car with his brother Jamie McCulloch in a parking lot near his sibling’s apartment building.

Amazingly, his own mother sat unfazed in the driver’s seat when the pair were caught indulging in an indecent act, a court heard.

An enraged McCulloch immediately began punching his brother in the chest and body, and then punched his wife in the head several times.

The jilted husband then grabbed a shovel from the car and began beating the couple with it, shouting that he was going to “kill them all.”

At one point McCulloch smashed the shovel so hard it broke in half, the court heard.

His mother tried to intervene but ended up being pushed into a nearby trash can.

He eventually found his wife in the back seat of a car with his brother Jamie McCulloch in a parking lot near his sibling’s apartment building. Red McCulloch/Facebook

McCulloch’s wife and brother were hospitalized with minor injuries from the attack.

During his sentencing last week, the judge acknowledged the saga “must have been upsetting” for McCulloch and called it a “breach of trust” between family members.

“I accept that this was an emotional response to the circumstances that you discovered,” Judge Tamara Yago said.

McCulloch’s mother was found sitting in the front seat during the ordeal. Sue McCulloch/Facebook

McCulloch eventually pleaded guilty to multiple assault charges, as well as possession of cannabis and possession of a firearm and ammunition.

He was sentenced to three years in prison.