
Lawsuit Against California’s Net Neutrality Act: A Challenge for the Internet Industry


Internet industry takes legal action against California over new net neutrality law. The lawsuit was filed by major trade groups representing broadband companies, making it the second lawsuit filed against the state over the law. The first lawsuit was filed by the Department of Justice. California Governor Jerry Brown signed the nation’s strictest net neutrality law, which prohibits internet service providers from blocking or slowing down certain content or applications or charging for faster access to customers.

The federal government also filed a lawsuit, arguing that California is trying to undermine the federal government’s approach to internet regulation. The Justice Department says states don’t have the authority to pass their own laws regulating internet companies because broadband services cross state lines. According to Daniel Lyons, an associate professor at Boston College Law School who specializes in telecommunications and Internet regulation, the legal battle is expected to last several months.

The outcome of this legal battle is crucial because the California law could serve as a model for other states to pass their own net neutrality laws. If California wins in court, it could pave the way for other states to follow suit. However, the FCC could try to block these efforts by issuing an injunction preventing other states from enacting similar laws.

Industry groups including AT&T, Comcast and Verizon are involved in a lawsuit against California’s net neutrality law. These groups have previously opposed the state law, expressing concerns about its impact on consumers and economic growth. Trade groups argue that federal law invalidates actions like California’s Net Neutrality Act.

Attorney General Xavier Becerra said California would defend its new law against a legal challenge. Becerra emphasized the state’s right to protect its residents’ access to the open Internet. State Sen. Scott Wiener, a co-sponsor of the bill, expected legal challenges from ISPs and reiterated California’s commitment to protecting the open Internet.

In summary, the legal battle over California’s net neutrality law highlights the ongoing debate between state laws and federal regulations. The outcome of this lawsuit could have far-reaching consequences for internet regulation across the country. California’s defense of its net neutrality law sets the stage for a controversial legal showdown that has significant implications for the future of Internet governance.