

Where news breaks first, every time


Where are you today?

In the West, we can now use the Internet on such machines. All you need to know is this machine. And it’s Google. This is not in itself a “natural” network stand that appears in China. Superapps dominate WeChat, but they are mostly used. And not without our mitt in one of the biggest checks, the Internet from the smartphone was conceived. Google, the great online clearinghouse of the West, provides the best information on the site. And zwar to Allen Stellen.

The tektonische Verschiebung der eingangstür zum Internet

The eMarketer was launched by Google’s US market for business marketing in 2025, there was between 10 and 50 percent. The Grund dafür liegt in einer Sinkenden Bedeutung der allgemeinen Websuche et sich. Amazon etwa is the largest, non-German trading company with 60 million German dollars within a million dollars. Amazon products are not used by Google. Amazon attacks these Google searches with a meaning and a sense of the lukrativsten art of Google-Werbung ab, Werbung bei Suchen mit Kaufabsicht. But I can’t do it. Apple’s apps and Appstore – and Google’s own Play Store – offer a wide search area, for men in services and apps, as well as online destinations. And then also social research. Auch Tiktok will also be available as such. Ebenso Pinterest and the USA Reddit. And zu guter Letzt kommt KI obendrauf.

KI as Websuche

Das Timing der Veröffentlichung dieser Marktstudie pünktlich zur möglicherweise non encore kommenden Zerschlagung von Google est la safest answer. But when the Google study took place in the light of the Monopol market tree, the small tree worked the latest, so the identified trend is not false. Yes, this time there is not a new one. This is the last time you rejoice, this is Google’s rapid implementation process for years to come.

A large KI broadcast model in the style of GPT-4o, Claude, Meta and Mixtral will be available since November 2022, when ChatGPT is launched, a simplified update. One or more other readers of these briefings have most likely fallen. This direct connection to the web is also available for answers to your questions, so Google is available. It was the best coffee machine, it was able to be used in Mailand without hiring men. Presentation templates are available on the Internet regularly and can answer these questions, which are not rich, but which are not wrong in the müssen. Thus, the searches carried out by Google are neither rich nor false in the mass.

Hinzu kommen außerdem nun LLM-basierte Suchmaschinen. Richard Socher of the KI-Suchmaschine etwa Google vom Thron stoßen. Sein grand et erfolgreichster Konkurrent Perplexity war bereits einige Male Thema im Briefing et zählt zu den Werkzeugen, die sich in der Redaktion großer Beliebtheit erfreuen. Bing has integrated KI. Open AI works with SearchGPT and a clean website. All Google has done, with the AI ​​overview, is an LLM-based analysis of these searches to implement.

Can you optimize the security of LLMs?

We also see two trends, the ineinandergreifen. Einerseits eine fortlaufende Schwächung der allgemeinen Bedeutung der klassischen Google-Suchergebnisse für die alles entscheidende Frage „Wie werde ich gefunden?“. There is also a new class of tools, not in a single category of Google users, that allows Google to solve problems. There is also no internal information (Pinterest), customers (Tripadvisor) or products (Amazon, Idealo), which appears to be a website, all this and more, as well as LLM and Webindex are available . Our own proposal or our own product in the synthetic answer is the big page, with a verified SEO branch.

As is the case today with this theme, he sees the man who, today, does not have a single hat with an acronym. An overview of extended language model optimization (LLMO) and other generative engine optimizations (GEO). There is now LLM Optimization (LLMO) and Generative AI Optimization (GAIO).

You know that the Tatsache, the model itself, is able to do this and users follow LLMs and Perplexity or know very well that the model is quickly available according to the entrepreneurs API. All das bedeutet, the man heute nicht allzu viel Gewicht auf Best Practices legen sollte.

“We are in a pioneering phase, like last year in the SEO war,” said SEO expert Olaf Kopp. “Aktuell besteht die Pionierarbeit darin, sich mit der technologischen Funktionsweise von LLMs zu beschäftigen et basierend darauf zu testende Hypotheses aufzustellen”, therefore Kopp.

Comprehensive analysis, for the man with a plan, is the clients’ home. The use of the KI generator is based on the Ermittlung statistischer Häufigkeiten. I have some Wörter in den Quelldaten nacheinander vorkommen, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es, das das gewünschte Wort in der Ausgabe das richtige ist. Here you will find training dates or RAG registrations on a varied web index. Additionally, secondary information regarding the own product is published in online media and is published in local art and immersed in synthesized output games. Allein die schiere Menge, so viel sollte klar sein, wird allerdings nicht ausschlaggebend sein.

This is one of the main context concepts for the clean product. “These statistics can be used by Ko-Nennungen hergestellt werden,” said Kopp, “was bedeutet, dass sich Unternehmen noch damit beschäftigen müssen, sich erfassbar zu positionieren. »

In a paper on the topic studied by the authors, they are supposed to have been informed up to 40 percent in the KI-Ergebnissen zu steigern. Dazu zählt etwa der Stil. Autoritativer Stil erhöht die Überzeugungskraft des Textes.

Allerdings zeigen sie also, the Wirksamkeit this Strategien in verschiedenen Bereichen unterschiedlich ist, was den Bedarf an bereichsspezifischen Optimierungsmethoden in der Optimierung für KI unterstreicht. Also I have fallen specific Terminology and/or “Leicht verständliche Sprache” des Website-Inhalts bei der LLM-Gewichtung.

Optimized SEO methods such as keyword stuffing are very effective for LLMs. Das überrasht nicht. LLMs are found in the largest text study program near a man and in the set of featured machine learning systems, user rankings from Google, Bing and Co. are offered.

Therefore, no LLMs are available for Mens Text anhand bestimmter Elemente als seriöser war. Please note that the Einbeziehung von Zitaten, Zitate aus pertinenten Quellen und Statistiken. A larger and interesting Sprach model is a reference model or focus on verification methods of the RLHF phase name, although clear (reinforcement learning from human feedback). Das Ergebnis ist aber, vorerst, das gleiche.

The End of the Google Culture

The Domänenabhängigkeit eingesetzter Methoden betont eine allgemeine Trendentwicklung, die wir am Anfang these texts angelsprochen haben. Wir erleben gerade das schleichende Ende der Ära, in der eine Suchmaschine, also ain einzelnes Produkt eines Unternehmen, synonym mit dem Internet et der eigenen Affindbarkeit im Netz verwendet wird.

Tiktok cannot be connected to Google-Tochter Youtube on the Schaffen web market. Bereits 2022 named Prabhakar Raghavan, an excellent Google manager, internal studies for 40 years, on Tiktok and Instagram of generation Z for such recipes, especially in local themes like restaurants.

Local agencies are also not present on Google Maps, but they may also be on Tiktok. For these companies, there are other optimization strategies such as automobile brands or distributors.

Platform Optimization is Good for You

In a plural world, there are trips back and forth to three parties.

Erstens: Eine allgemeine bessere Sichtbarkeit im öffentlichen Internet ist per se vorzuziehen. This research, boards of directors, cannot be carried out by LLMs at the level of social activities. And this naturally also works at the level of classical searches, but in the bedding well, but there is no full implementation possible.

Twice: when it comes to an element in the network, the doors and windows are different in color, this is a specialty based on the own context, such as the own product category. SEO and Ganzes mag heute vor einer Sinnkrise stehen. Das ist aber nur die Ruhe vor dem Sturm. Now we have new Optimierungsbranchen entstehen.

That said: A single distribution platform, an optimization strategy. The power potential is submerged. The Amazon marketplace is the longest in a branch of distribution services, so a man is looking for a Google. Das Gleiche is broadcast on Tiktok. This is also the case for passing KI machines.

Nicht trotz, sondern wegen der vielfältigeren Welt wird es more Bedarf geben, wenn sich die Frage stellt: “Wie werde ich gefunden?”

With the new Open-AI o1 model, there is first a new autonomous or semi-autonomous system of KI-Agents. Also KI-Systeme, die eigenständig mehrstufige Aufgaben erfüllen.

Zu diesen Entscheidungstufen wird auch Produktauswahl gehören. Or another ausgedrückt: new distribution channel, die zu erobern golden.

Marcel Weiss

Marcel Weiß is an independent analyst and strategic advisor in Berlin. This is the next year of new millennials with platform themes and plenty of digital strategies relevant to dynamic businesses. There are specialists and keynotes on these themes.

Image: Lucas Bäuml