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Champions League: Gedämpfte Vorfreude: BVB without Rückenwind in Madrid

The Austrian balance sheet is very recent, the personal situation is very varied – unexpected hopes at the level of the new Champions League final in progress Real Madrid Maybe Borussia Dortmund will have Rede breast. Obwohl der BVB als Tabellenführer der Königsklasse zum Titelverteidiger reist, überwiegen die Sorgen.

Trotz ungunstiger Vorzeichen hofft Sébastien KehlThe Mannschaft today (9:00 p.m. / Amazon Prime) has another day as expected for the sad writings of the current La Liga. “I see we are definitely not lucky. “This is a women’s pair final,” the sports director said with words during Anfang Juni’s long offensive final (0:2) at Wembley.

The atmosphere of the Fußball-Tempel Bernabeu is at the heart of Borussia and the new football club. “Real is the great Club in the World. “Dort haben wir schon große Schlachten geschlagen,” says Kehl. “I cry, the Mannschaft is fully committed and the Aufgabe herangehen wird.”

Twice Brügge headquarters (3:0) and Celtic Glasgow (7:1) dominated the Bundesliga-Siebten on first place in the Tabellen. It’s the first time I’ve been in a duel with world stars Kylian Mbappé and Vinicius, who look like they’re having that moment. “This game must be a great man,” for example the national player Waldemar Anton, “when we are a live man, we have a good game machen.”

Couragiert in Stuttgart

Presented by Borussia, the Champions-League record was already played well in the Bundesliga-Auswärtsspielen in Bremen (0:0), Stuttgart (1:5) and Union Berlin (1:2) right and left Erwachen.

Viel Zeit an den Schwächen seines Teams zu arbeiten, hatte Nuri Sahin nicht. During the break in regional play and travel play, St. Pauli provides the trainer with a coach during an assembly session. And they are not like those who play the game, they will be held today in Dortmund. Damit sollten etwaige Real-Beobachter daran gehindert werden, die Taktik auszuspionieren.

The star ensemble of Erfolgscoach Carlo Ancelotti in the central Spanish city is in mid-September from VfB Stuttgart. The time of day has changed and the results are not correct, but this must be the case at 1:3 times. Kehl hofft auf einen ähnlich courageous Auftritt from Borussia – with Happy End: “We have our chance. Das hat Stuttgart gezeigt. Die Spanier bieten Möglichkeiten und Räume.”

Sahins Rückkehr and die alte Wirkungsstätte

During the second Real-Profi (2011 to 2012), the Fußball-Lehrer sahin nur zu gut, where the “Königlichen” daheim entwickeln können. A better game for you is that there is a clean use in the regional game breaks offered by “one, two games of Real” on the planned video. More Sorgen and the Spaniard’s combinations with the 36-year-old’s personal situation in their own Mannschaft: “We have a moment in our player,” says Sahin.

The Angreifers Karim Adeyemi, Julien Duranville and Giovanni Reyna came to an agreement with the Rechtsverteidiger Yan Couto. Zudem is the Einsatz von Taktgeber Pascal Groß and Abwehrroutinier Niklas Süle ungewiss. Gross must be more than 2:1 in St. Pauli with the Anraten der Ärzte in der Halbzeit ausgewechselt werden. There is only one Magen-Darm virus that is not completely crossed out. If you do not have any training, you will not have to wait 90 minutes to complete the training. Zudem fehlte Stammtorhüter Gregor Kobel bei der letzten Einheit vor dem Abflug.

Real under Druck

It is close to the avant-garde Borussia, and the Spanish La Liga table is more efficient under training. Next time 0:1 a.m. 2 a.m. the game in Lille is also played for the Title-Mitfavoriten Pflicht.

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