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Inflation and Impf-Timing beeinflussten Geburtenrate während Pandemic

Even when the Corona pandemic – at first the check is planned for family care planning – until October 2021, a slight Geburten-Plus is heading towards: Die Zahlen ab Novembre desselben Jahres wieder ein Minus . During the epidemic phase, the pandemic flowed in Österreich into other states of the fertility rate, as analyzed by the Forschende der Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW). Inflation is also a factor.

Im Gegensatz zu vergleichbaren historischen Ereignissen, etwa der Spanischen Grippe, “erholten sich die Geburtenraten am Ende der Pandemie nicht et es kam in vielen Ländern zu einem starken Geburtenrückgang”, il est en un ausendung zur im Journal “Human Reproduction Open” erschienenen Studie.

Geburtenrate in all the Federal States gesunken

ÖAW demographers Maria Winkler-Dworak, Kryštof Zeman and Tomáš Sobotka had their efforts in the 21 European countries of Israel, Canada, the United States, Japan and South Korea during the epidemic phase of the Corona pandemic between November 2021 and October 2022.Angeschaut. The data are published in the Human Fertility Database of the Vienna Institute of Demography of the ÖAW and the German Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. The two months of November 2021 and October 2022 will be spent in all states quickly, and also with us in Österreich,” Winkler-Dworak told the APA. So there is a fertility rate here of 1.51 for women from November 2021 to October 1.42, 2022.

Aus Studien zur Spanischen Grippe Wisse Man, “Dass zu Beginn der Krankheitswelle un Starker Rückgang verzeichnet wurde et gegen Ende eine Erholung. This is typical for solche Zäsuren”, said Sobotka in the Mitteilung zitiert. Even if Covid-19 had a new month during the winter trip 2020, one trip took place, the searches also took place for two years. Im Anschluss and the Minus konnte man while a Mini-Plus vermelden, “allerdings weit vor dem Ende der Pandemie”, which is a very white man Dann folgte ein erneutes Minus.

The cocooning effect is based on its original ingredients

“Das unterschiedliche Muster der Raten während der Pandemic hat uns besonders überrascht,” says Winkler-Dworak. In the Scandinavian states, but also in Germany and Österreich, the pay rate in January 2021 will be there too. Grund sei der “Cocooning-Effekt” gewesen: “Mass Covid policies have given men more time for the house – in stable finances, nursing homes can die for a greater point of view of time for the greater planning of children”, thus the Forscherin. Das beobachtete Muster has already been created in each Ländern to create a better social system. With the exploitation of the masses and the cocooning effect, fertility rates have also increased langfristigen trend.

Inflation and investment have a negative impact

Die Forschenden untersuchten mögliche Faktoren für das anhaltende Geburten-Minus: Zum einen spielt, wie schon von früheren Studien gezeigt, die ökonomische Unsicherheit a zentrale Rolle: “The agricultural market which, on a single day, started the pandemic , was created. tenraten fördert. The changes are due to measures taken in the risk portfolio and inflation management, and the positive effect has been reduced,” says Winkler-Dworak. Also, the timing of the program in the Ländern is set at one time when the timing of the program is not assigned. Insgesamt lasse sich aus den Zahlen ableiten, dass viele Frauen ihren Kinderwunsch kurzzeitig aufgeschoben hätten, bis sie vollständig geimpft waren. Dabei unterstreichen die Forschenden, “dass die Impfungen selbst keinen negatifn Einfluss auf die Geburtenraten hatten”.

Abwärtstrend hält an

The overall downward trend will extend from 1.32 to 1.41 for 2022 to 1.41 in 2022. “We are still rolling and working today,” Winkler-Dworak said. Young entrepreneurs are supposed to be able to cope with the civil war in Ukraine so that women or children are taken care of, and their children are aufzuschieben bzw. Davon Abzulassen.