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EZB is inside the curve and deepest contact zones

EZB is inside the curve and deepest contact zones
EZB in Frankfurt. Graphic:

The European Central Bank has the banks in June for a third management. However, the current situation does not change, but the global economy in the Eurozone is still in place. The EZB plan is behind the route curve and needs to be even longer. Das Ausbleiben einer nennenswerten Erholung et die zunehmenden Risiken für the Wirtschaftsaussichten sind a starkes Signal for the EZB, stärkere Zinssenkungen in Betracht zu ziehen, therefore EZB-Ratsmitglied Mario Centeno.

EZB: Zinsen stärker senken

The central bank strives to ensure that the Eurozone economy is as close as possible to all Fessels, safe investment and investment, before the idea of ​​​​the Arbeitslosigkeit of a schistumdessusschwung, Centeno said in an interview in Washington.

Australia, at the end of the first quarter inflation of 2% of the EZB, is able to cope with the collapse of the EZB, zincs being higher than ever, with great Zinssenkung.

“We will not be able to cope with a mass, which is not in the Viertelpunkt-Schritten bewegt,” he told the Rande of the Jahrestagung des Internationalen Währungsfonds. “For an economy, the inflation rate lasts 0.9 percent over the year, for an economy, there is no investment, for an economy, the labor market tends to have a certain idea of ​​Switzerland, it is possible that the labor market will be established. Betracht ziehen, in large Schritten zu handeln.

The EZB engaged in the evolution of the frozen policy lock-in period, apart from the reaction to economic shocks and the revival of inflation and growth dynamics in the euro area managed by the global economy. The back and forth had the best Entscheidungsträger bisher wenig Bereitschaft gezeigt, also den Umfang der Zinssenkungen zu erhöhen, therefore a Bericht von Bloomberg.

Zinsen: EZB hat im Juni mit Zinssenkungen begonnen
Hat EZB in June with Zinssenkungen started

EZB rear curve

Scientific experts advise you with details on 25 basic points on the first three positions and two further instructions until the end of the years. Financial markets have been aggressive and must have been wet during a 50 basis point deal in December. The euro costs the market 1.08 USD.

“We are moving further into the economy, and the risks of accidents are greater,” says Centeno, of the Portuguese central bank and rat drinks store EZB. “Das ist wahrscheinlich eine gute Definition dafür, hinter der Kurve zu sein“.
It is argued that the Eurozone is in place, in a regional territory from there, and that the economic society is in a greater direction.

“Das Schlimmste daran ist, the Abwärtsrisiken alle von der Geldpolitik ausgehen,” he said. “We are more risky, political society and inflation are starting to develop with new risks. »

Centeno spricht sich für große Zinssenkung aus, um die Wirtschaft zu beleben
Mario Centeno, governor of the Portuguese Central Bank, headed to Washington on 10/22/2024. Photo: Kent Nishimura/Bloomberg

Inflation: more risks or more risks?

The president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, told her mother the woman was much more cautious and took risks for the Australian price of the purchase price, a diagnosis, one of her colleges has been informed in a gesturellt page. Robert Holzmann in Österreich said he was still worried because inflation fell earlier than expected.

“Naturlich gibt es auch Abwärtsrisiken – allerdings he ich je nicht genug davon, um zu dem Schluss zu kommen, dass sie überwiegen,” he said in a separate interview. “I tell you that the risks of abstention are currently in a state of mind of the EZB-Rat”.

Centeno vertrat die Ansicht, der von der EZB für die kommenden Monate erwartete Inflationsanstieg schwächer ausfallen et kaum über über 2 % liegen wird. Danach werde der Preisdruck “für einen langen Zeitraum” sous cesem Wert bleiben.

“We need to be as effective as possible on gun neutrality,” he says. “The time has come to embrace this sector of activity within the agricultural market with the high regulations and high laws of the time and a company, which is not found in a more big. »

It was said that “we have not arrived at that time, but we are under neutrality so that they are not ready or not.”

The zinc wealth of the EZB is clear, at all times, in its activities, which still need to be organized, so that President Christine Lagarde, the largest zinc schritte is not ausschloss. Under the International Fund for Economic Development and World Bank’s monthly repayment program, according to Lagarde, disinflation is at the heart of the wealthy path and young Zahlen is “a relative cause for concern.”


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