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NASA is heading towards Jupiter-Mond Europe

NASA is heading towards Jupiter-Mond Europe

NASA has launched a radio probe to Jupitermond Europe, which has ideas on what to do. (Symbol image)
NASA has launched a radio probe to Jupitermond Europe, which has ideas on what to do. (Symbol image)

Image: Keystone

The Jupitermonde Europe has become the candidate of the future candidate for an environmental explorer, the Leben ermöglich. NASA launched the “Europa Clipper” probe in vain, one of the reference points on the Earth.

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  • Auf der Suche nach einer potenziell Leben ermöglichenden Welt ist die Raumsonde “Europa Clipper” zum Jupitermond Europa aufgebrochen
  • Next, three billion airlines fly by “Europa Clipper” 2030 on the Umlaufbahn des Jupiter ankommen.
  • Europa ore laut Nasa as “die vielversprechendste potenziell lebensfreundliche Umgebung des Sonnensystems”.

The US-Raumfahrtbehörde has your probe “Europa Clipper” on the way to the Jupitermond Europa. A Falcon-Heavy-Rakete of the entrepreneurs SpaceX is installed at the Montag vom Raumfahrtzentrum Cape Canaveral ab. Die etwa 5.7 Tonnen schwere Sonde soll untersuchen, ob es auf Europa die Voraussetzung für Leben gibt.

“Europa Clipper” has the mission to create other planets, one day to live with Jupiter. Dazu flies the Sonde, the mit ausgebreiteten Solarflächen etwas roughly like a basketball court, zunächst am Mars and then further on the Erde vorbei. Jupiter will arrive by 2030 and will be in a fast lane, on the planet until the 21st day.

This means that we are in the North of the Jupiterworld Europe, the size of the world is one of them. The radio probe is at a temperature of 25,000 meters. The border radar is able to detect the risk of the worlds because of the man who has gone extinct, from 15 to 24 kilometers or more. The Ozean will travel 120 kilometers or more.

The mission was quickly managed

The “Hubble” global telescope appeared on the Europa Geysire, above the Oberfläche planes. The Wissenschaftler are very safe, because under the title Kruste Europas a tiefer, the world Ozéen exists. And too bad for the water, it’s also Leben geben.

‘Europa Clipper’ is not directly directed at activities such as these, but aims to provide information on best practice in education – to organized and other instructions. 2034 soll die Sonde auf dem Jupitermond Ganymed zerschellen, dem grössten Mond nos Sonnensystems.

The sum of 5.2 billion dollars (approximately 4.5 billion dollars) of the Expedition was recovered by a recorded transistor. First, in the spring, NASA discovered that the probe’s transistors could be used for the intensive leakage field of the Jupiters and that they came close. Clipper is responsible for the equivalent of $49 million in Europe from several million dollars in international revenue.

The Raumfahrtbehörde prüfte monatelang alles, before being in September at the Schluss kam, the expedition can prepare for the expedition. “Europa Clipper” is a new instrument that uses electronics in an oil with zinc and aluminum for optimal protection.

Botschaften for Aliens

There are solutions for the well-being of Europe like the brightest things, the best study of the world of life in our solar system, under Saturn’s other planet Enceladus.

We have other search robots for my hat “Europa Clipper” within the robots of the Erde an Bord, under the other das Wort Wasser in 104 Sprachen, ausserdem ein Gedicht über den Mond von der US-Poetin Ada Limon and a silicon chip with the name 2.6 Millionen Menschen, die sich dafür angemeldet haben.

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