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Krieg in der Ukraine – Ukraine: Rüstungsindustrie oversees 1 million dollars ausgeliefert – News

Krieg in der Ukraine – Ukraine: Rüstungsindustrie oversees 1 million dollars ausgeliefert – News

Krieg in der Ukraine – Ukraine: Rüstungsindustrie oversees 1 million dollars ausgeliefert – News – SRF

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Spending ideas for spending in Ukraine auf

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Measures taken by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine include spending on the best Ukrainian aid. Millions of men – for all children, women and other men – are men and such people in neighboring countries or in inland regions, the Kämpfen verschont geblieben sind. Die Glückskette offers information about men from their partner organizations within Ukraine, the neighboring countries of Poland, Romania, Moldova and Ungarn sowie in Switzerland.

Spend it at or at post 10-15000-6, Vermerk “Krise in der Ukraine”, get it.

Quellen: Agenturen, SRF

Days, 11.10.2024, 7:30 p.m.

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