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Google will Mini-Atomreaktoren zur KI-Stromversorgung einsetzen

Google will Mini-Atomreaktoren zur KI-Stromversorgung einsetzen

Research centers
Stromfresser KI: Google will Mini-Atomreaktoren einsetzen

Google Search Center

Rechenzentrum im US-Bundesstaat Georgia. Google will be climate neutral until 2030

© Action Presse

Tech giants like Google embarked on a green project – and then the KI-Boom. Die Lösung: Atomkraft, and it’s biting.

Google will then develop the Strobedarf für Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) through the small modular Atom-Reaktoren platform. Die Tochter von Alphabet a eigenen Angaben zufolge am Montag as weltweit erstes Unternehmen un entsprechenden Vertrag mit dem Unternehmen Kairos Power unterzeichnet, um bis 2030 den ersten kleinen modularen Reaktor in Betrieb zu nehmen. Weitere sollen bis 2035 folgen.

This is a craft item or business, Google executive Michael Terrell said in the Financial Times. This is often the case today, passing through reactors in the network or being made directly available to research centers. Find out the financial details of the offers – check Google of the Bau der Kraftwerke mitfinanzieren ou nur Strom nach der Fertigstellung beziehen will.

Google, Microsoft, Amazon: technologies developed on atomic energy

The KI-Boom is a little insensitive and an immense protection against disturbances due to sunlight thanks to the good entry dates with them. An answer from ChatGPT indicates bad energy as a Google search. In May you will be informed by the Electric Energy Research Institute of the Electric Energy Research Institute, which has published dates until the end of the years until a new bill on US e-commerce. Damit würde sich ihr Verbrauch mehr als verdoppeln.

Google researchers have joined other tech giants like Amazon and Microsoft, Atomkraft profits set up, as part of a new energy project at the bridge’s research centers. The small reactors are complete and can be easily installed. Technology is present today in children’s shoes and it is not within everyone’s reach, so the Konzerne derzeit auf bestehende Kernkraftanlagen ausweichen. So, for the start of the year, the company Atomkraftwerk Three Mile Island in the US federal state of Pennsylvania is more in the business area, one of Microsoft’s Strombedarf on deck. In the Anlage in 1979 schwerwiegendsten atom falls took place during the American war, with the Reaktorblock 1 higher.

Stromverbrauch von KI soll sich bis 2030 verdreifachen

Google will be climate neutral by 2030. Zum Erreichen solcher Ziele wird der CO2-Ausstoß durch Gegenmaßnahmen wie das Pflanzen von Bäumen ausgeglichen. I am a year behind the arrival of CO2-free energy in the offices of research centers and Google offices by 64 percent. Under the terms of CO2-Emissions, the Konzerns are for up to 13 years.

Goldman Sachs’ projects will take place in 2023 and 2030 in American research centers and will have a lifespan of 47 gigawatts. The KI-Entwickler OpenAI also has solar installations and online games to help you find great dimensions in your game.
