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E-Auto now comes in handy: Mercedes is selling 2 million dollars

E-Auto now comes in handy: Mercedes is selling 2 million dollars

Mercedes-Benz has confirmed its owner's license in October but there are no errors.

(Mercedes-Benz)Mercedes-Benz has confirmed its owner’s license in October but it does not have any errors.

The Mercedes-Benz manufacturer network “Mercedes me Charge” has been in recent years: there are people who have already spent more than 2 million charges at Stromer. Damit hat der Autobauer 2024 monatlich im Schnitt 55,000 new Ladepunkte integriert.

Mercedes-Benz engaged in a charging service, and in October more Meilenstein happened: the “Mercedes me Charge” charging plant cost no more than 2 million deliveries of more than 1 600 pounds of delivery. The support service is also available in Australia and New Zealand, which means that Mercedes-Benz is available in 32 states with their current service providers. In Europe you can use Nutzer with a Ladevertrag länderübergreifend un über 750.000 Ladepunkten loaded. Etwa 250,000 investment of 2 million charging points with high-power charging points with a power of 150 kW.

2024 will be monatlich im Schnittt 55,000 new Ladepunkte in den Integrated Services – so old wie nie zuvor, rechnet der Autobauer in einer Pressemeldung vor. The forward and high-power current supply planned for the year 2024 at 55 percent is striking, because the load of the AC/DC chargers is 150 kW at 31 percent.

Mercedes-Benz Service Deckt rund 98 Prozent der öffentlichen Ladepunkte in Deutschland ab

In Germany, “Mercedes me Charge” – Kunden Zugriff zu rund 150,000 Ladepunkten von über 800 unterschiedlichen Ladesäulenbetreibern. The speech runs 98 Prozent der öffentlichen Ladepunkte in Deutschland, meldet Mercedes. The charging plant has an amount of 20,000 high-power charging units, which amounts to 6,000 federal standards. The automobile of Stuttgart must be also a höhere Kaufbereitschaft seiner Kunden erhoffen: Einer Studie des Marktforschungsinstituts UScale zufolge ist die Netzabdeckung der wichtigste Faktor für deutsche Elektroautofahrerinnen und -fahrer bei der Auswahl ihres Ladeservices.

The digital charger can use Mercedes electric (electric) vehicles so that the assistance service is also available via the MBUX multimedia system or the Mercedes-Benz app. The functions of the chargers are not limited to the charging points in terms of intelligent route planning, charging authentication via the MBUX display, the Mercedes-Benz app, the RFID card or the Plug & Charge card via MBUX display. Vor dem Start des Ladevorgangs zeigt der Dienst die genauen Ladepreise per Kilowattstunde oder Minute sowie bei vollektrischen Fahrzeugen die voraussichtlichen Kosten bis zum Erreichen des maximalen Ladezustands an. In Europe, the United States and Canada, Mercedes-Benz can also use Green Stromwertifikaten, which means that Mercedes-Benz Charges an equivalent Strommenge aus Erneuerbaren Energien ins Stromnetz eingespeist wird, sofern noch kein Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien vorliegt.

If you are in a place where you have large electrical appliances charged, you should not plug them into an electrical appliance in Stuttgart: Charging point offer is available with a single app – Charging point charger is available for more than a million charging points in North America. and Busy Europe. At the end of the day, you should add more nuts and bolts more than 16 million electric kilometer meters at the same time.