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HotelPartner Revenue Management appoints Melanie Saliger as Chief Product Officer (CPO)

L’Anbieter von Revenue Management-Lösungen überträgt zukünftig der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin et ehemaligen Hôtelière die Verantwortung pour la strategische Weiterentwicklung der Produktangebote.

In Melanie Saliger’s new position, which comes during a new month for employers, she has in-depth expertise in the field of production and process optimization.

“I can help you work together with the HotelPartner product team to optimize it – with a clear point of view on our hotel customers. Features that are not intuitive and efficient are our partners. Chen, Schneller Erfolge “I am currently working on our internal process to make innovation more effective,” so Melanie Saliger is in her new place at HotelPartner Revenue Management.
With this approach supporting HotelPartner Revenue Management as part of Ambition, we offer comprehensive and massive solutions for the hotel industry. For these companies, Swiss companies settled their headquarters in Österreich, Germany and Great Britain at the beginning and auf af aktive Förderung der Mitarbeitenden im Unternehmen themselves. “We are happy that Melanie Saliger has lost her new mission. Her life lessons, engagement and advice have been so massive for our life efforts. We are present, we are in your new coarse impulse roll and freuen un s auf “We are ready to call on a team to create a business project that has your expertise in our capital,” said Florian Augustin, Deputy Managing Director of HotelPartner Revenue Management.

The HotelPartner team is working with new product innovations and technological innovation: “We have already been able to optimize our Rate Shopper, with the management of our partner in the backoffice. We are working with a new algorithm based on KI, r auf Markets are reacted and settings are based on minutes so that the system can be activated and categories managed,” says Melanie Saliger, product director at HotelPartner Revenue Management.
The manager is dabei besonders wichtig, dass all cese Entwicklungen enger Absprache mit den Partnern bzw. Les hoteliers erfolgen, les Neuerungen spürbare Erleichterungen für die Hoteliers im operativen Tagesgeschäft mit sich bringen sollen und der Umsatz somit weiter gesteigert werden kann. This is where HotelPartner Revenue Management is located in 2 months of the year: Der Fokus auf KI soll en Zukunft noch mehr Möglichkeiten bieten.

Melanie Saliger began her hospitality career with a tourist agency and numerous activities in the international private hotel industry in Kettensowie, before taking on the role of management assistance in the renovation of the Altstadt Weisse Taube hotel in Salzburg. . Nebenbei studierte sie erfolgreich Betriebswirtschaft. Since 2015, we have offered you the opportunity to respond to HotelParter Revenue Management. Melanie Saliger started as Portfolio Revenue Manager – here she continues to work as Senior Chief Portfolio Manager until her extensive operational experience within the active hotel industry.
HotelPartner Revenue Management uses Switzerland headquarters in our offices in Vienna, Salzburg, Hamburg and London. Das Unternehmen betreut derzeit über 500 Hotels in Europa.