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25 years “Wer wird Millionär?”: More than 3,400 applicants will get $15 million

25 years “Wer wird Millionär?” »
More than 3,400 contestants won $15 million

Günther Jauch saß in 25 years "Would it be a millionaire?" for over 1,600 sends to the camera.

Günther Jauch says in 25 years “Wer wird Millionär?” for over 1,600 sends to the camera.


In September 1999, it was the first day: “Wer wird Millionär?” There are more than 3,400 applicants near Günther Jauch Platz.

25 years “Wer Wird Millionär?” » – Damit hätte Moderator Günther Jauch (68) selbst nie gerechnet. Ursprünglich waren nämlich nur vier vier Episoden geplant, als die Quizshow am 3. September 1999 Premiere feierte. Was folgte, waren 54 Staffeln mit über 1.600 Folgen voller spannender Fragen et lustiger Momente. On October 17, RTL sends a message at 8:15 p.m. for an XXL July. Why would you end up with 16 million winners?

Zehn regular Millionengewinner

Every day is inzwischen her, dass der letzte Kandidat die Millionenfrage richtig beantwortet hat. The businessman Roland Tenholte 2020 will be present on August 20. The match will have exceeded one million euros and will be winner of 15 million euros. Den Anfang machte 2000 der Geschichtsprofessor Eckhard Freise. And then you’ll find it in the D-Mark version of Marlene Grabherr 2001.

You will have more than 3,400 applicants in the year 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2015 to earn millions regularly. 2019 räumte zudem du Volljurist Jan Stroh den Hauptgewinn in der Jubiläumsausgabe zum 15. Geburtstag ab.

And then this is also the case today for Nadja Sidikjar. You will be given the 2nd Jackpot-Special of the 2015 Show with a maximum winnings, which will amount to 1,538,450 euros. In the future we are playing games, they are at the top of the table, in a Jackpot they are playing. However, when it comes to rules and conditions and the millionaire is not the beantwort hat, golden is not a classic millionaire.

Who is not Freud and who says “Wer Wird Millionär?” » If you want to read more, you can see the Blick on the next page. 28 candidates chosen for the show of the show with 0 euros for the mark D at home.

Three prominent Millionengewinner

Doch nicht nur Unternehmerinnen, Studenten, Hausfrauen oder Juristen gehen bei Günther Jauch ein und aus. In Promi-Specials, the Quizmaster became prominent in the show. Three of your friends expect Million to be two men for good. L’Anfang machte Comedian Oliver Pocher (46) 2008, der die Frage nach dem Nagel-Schreckenberg-Model mithilfe des Publikumsjokers richtig beantworten konnte.

I have been alone for several years with the moderator and team leader Thomas Gottschalk (74) with the operator Marcel Reich-Ranicki (1920-2013) for the photo of a million. The best winner of the million is Barbara Schöneberger (50 years old). Also available in 2011 for Telefonjoker and for Kunsthistoriker Pankraz Freiherr von Freyberg (80) an.

Keine Million, just after the record for the best Besuche bei “Wer wird Millionär?” stops Anke Engelke (58). Acht Mal stellte sich die Komikerin bereits den Fragen et erspielte insgesamt 2,251,500 Euro for den guten Zweck.

The record for long distances is due to the hinges of Aaron Troschke (35 years) and Leon Windscheid (35 years). Today’s job candidates had their “Wer wird millionary?” » – This is the most prominent status we have had, saßen 2010 et 2015 jewels über trois Sendungen hinweg auf dem heißen Stuhl. Troschke was worth 125,000 Euro, Windscheid knackte am Ende die Million.

30 minutes to two “Wer wird Millionär?”-Watch

And Günther Jauch? Der macht sich gar nicht erst die Illusion, et nur einen Bruchteil der über 43,000 Fragen, ehin 25 Jahren “Wer wird Millionär?” hat gesturellt, richtig beantworten zu können. This is a day when there are a number of keywords for users – ideas that have not been available on RTL for some time, on a single field for Corona infection.

A trip to Hürth near Cologne is planned for Jauch and auch ganz schnell. Run for 30 minutes and send to the mask. In Sachen Outfit will start the show with elegance and elegance. About 1,000 copies of the model were sent in 25 days.
