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Launch: Menstruation-Binde zur Früherkennung von HPV und Gebärmutterhalskrebs

HPV is one of the most serious sexual infections that can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases and other infections. For these periods to be effective, the new ‘PadX’ briefs are introduced, the HPV virus directly during menstruation. Jährlich infizieren sich laut WHO weltweit three Millionen Frauen mit dem stark verbreiteten HPV-Virus (Humane Papillomviren).

The innovation in Hong Kong was designed to be effective: the menstrual link from start-ups Women-X Biotech has developed a barrier-free and barrier-free infection with a lifespan of 99.2% if most effective.

We’ve set a new standard for HPV testing and experienced women with broad, authentic, and discreet surveillance.

I think that the Tür zu Diagnosticbasierten Hygieneprodukten geöffnet haben, die den Weg für weitere Entdeckungen darüber ebnen, was Menstruationsblut über andere Gesundheitsrisiken für Frauen aussagen kann.

– Dr. Pui Wah Choi, Director of Women-X Biotech

The problem with the most frequent routine tests is between 65 and 70 days for women who are not able to answer all the questions related to the invasive procedure. Dabei werden mit einem Bürstchen Schleimhautzellen aus dem Gebärmutterhals et vom Muttermund entnommen, was für handle mit Angst und Scham verbunden ist.

In Germany and Great Britain, the HPV test in der Regel is free (abhängig von der Häufigkeit der Untersuchung und dem Alter der Patientin). In other countries you can have a test relative to you, in Hong Kong and $120, in the PadX-HPV kit, which will cost you $75 in total, but there is nothing wrong with that. After the Best Selling we have the Pads per Post geliefert and the Testergebnis cann nach wenigen Tagen online eingesehen werden. Real start of startup is not possible so far.

PadX specific functions

Thanks to the introduction of a special polymer, it is a frozen material, schaffen material, which contains the best proteins at the level of menstruation. This polymer has an auf porous structure, which is fungal by a Schwamm molekularer. When the menstrual flow with the polymer is available in contact, the selected proteins are selected in the poren of the festgehalten materials. These dangerous proteins can be easily analyzed using biochemistry methods, and even more so.

Prophylactic treatment with Grenzen

The world organization launched in 2020 comprehensive measures for the control of HPV infections and protective measures against prophylactic infections generated by the committees of regulatory bodies and their prevention programs, until 2030 in the whole country. Die Impfung lasted 17 years in life and is very calm for Krebs and his breast Vorstufen.

The injection is not necessary for all types of HPV and may not be used for cleaning in health care organizations. Derzeit arbeiten Forscher weltweit an verschiedenen Möglichkeiten zurherkennung, so bietet die British Firma Daye ainen HPV-Test pour zu House in Form eines Tampons and, and die Doktorandin Sanziana Foia entwickelt mit dem Papcup derzeit a weitere Innovation.