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Infinigate vertreibt Lösungen von in EMEA region

Zusammenarbeit for more cybersecurity
Infinigate vertreibt Lösungen von in EMEA region

Anbieter zum Thema

Infinigate Group leverages the benefits of’s products. The global engagement is in the DACH and Iberia regions, France, Germany and Benelux-Länder, as well as in the EMEA region ausgeweitetet werden.

Infinigate Group and cooperate for better cybersecurity in EMEA. (Image: Copilot / KI-generiert)
Infinigate Group and cooperate for better cybersecurity in EMEA.

(Image: Copilot / KI-generated)

Value-added distributor Infinigate and cybersecurity administrator have their partnership for the EMEA region. Gemeinsam wollen sie den wachsenden Anforderungen des Sicherheitsgeschäfts gerecht werden. Damit Baut Infinigate das Angebot an Cybersicherheitslösungen für Partner in Europa, den Nahen Osten and Afrika aus.’s offerings include a SOC (Security Operation Center) platform, Extended Detection and Response, Next-Gen SIEM with Sekoia Defend, and Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence with Sekoia Intelligence. MSP and MSSP are well positioned to meet the company’s Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence and SOC as a Service needs. “Our SOC-Angebot in SaaS platform has developed an MSP and MSSP SOC business that has grown, one day, to where it is during your security journey,” said Cyril Simonnet, Director of’s revenue.

Anbieter mit Channel-Fokus is installed on the channel. The advertiser offers you another certification program for partners. The cooperation with Infinigate involves the green strategy of cybersecurity managers. The distributor is looking for Channel-Wachstum from through available support services. This technical training is provided by the professional marketing market. Channel-Partner therefore has the Möglichkeit, its Angebot zu optimieren.

Denis Ferrand-Ajchenbaum, Growth Director of the Infinigate Group (Photo: Remy Steiner Photography GmbH)
Denis Ferrand-Ajchenbaum, growth director of the Infinigate group

(Photo: Remy Steiner Photography GmbH)

Denis Ferrand-Ajchenbaum, Chief Growth Officer of Infinigate Group, said: “ is a complete solution for Infinigate with its regional teams and large network of Channel Partners. It is aimed at real and regular managed security services throughout Europe, companies thus dealing with dangerous cyber risks to security, European rich lines like NIS2 the Dringlichkeit noch erhöhen. It is a solution for Infinigate, which provides MSSD services to specialists and resellers as well as the MSP community to help you, both timely and benefit MSSP services.

“The pace of digital transformation is expanding innovation and innovation in the cyber industry. Thanks to the partnership with Infinigate, we will be able to offer high-quality products across the universal reseller base, with great cyber resilience aufzubauen,” said Simonnet.

Infinitely available in Europe for Cyrebro's KI-based MDR services on the Cloud-Marketplace and. (Image: Alexander - / KI-generiert)
