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Liam Payne (†31): Jetzt spricht seine Freundin – “Nicht real”

The famous Tod von Liam Payne (†31) erschüttert Fans weltweit. The “One Direction”-Star Field ehemalige within the stocks of hotels written in Buenos Aires and in certain stores. Nun stepped into friend Kate Cassidy’s (25) shoes for her first Mal and gave her a look as part of the final day.

The American program describes their mode of operation, until the Argentinian was less than two years old before falling on his grave. “Nichts in den letzten Tagen hat sich real angefühlt” is displayed in a social media post.

Liam Payne: friend Kate loves Switzerland

Liams Bandkollegen leader Niall Horan (31) has been named leader of the South American team. Aus den geplanten fünf Tagen wurden deux Wochen, et Kate went schließlich, dans la maison d’Unis, zurückzukehren. “I love South America, but I did it, to have one place to do it,” he said on TikTok. I am fascinated by the intensive war and life of Liam, which is in its emotional message:

+++ Next Tod von Liam Payne (†31): Bandmitglied äußert sich – “Am Boden zerstört” +++

“Liam, me Engel. From the bist to all. I need you to relax and feel good. I’m here for the rest of my Lebens weiter lieben. I love you, Liam.” The two men are a couple and they have a new house in Florida. Kate’s latest Instagram post is the same as Kate in hot weather in Paris, happy and happy. Fans react with a flute of comments and talk about Kate Mut.

This company found an external source from Instagram of our editorial team used. It reads the article and can be clicked and clicked to open it.

I can tell you that this is what you plan to do outside. These are the dates of the last person concerned.

The plötzliche Tod des Sängers wirft viele Fragen auf. Berichten zufolge wurde Liam vor seinem Sturz in unberechenbaren Zustand gesehen, et dans seinem Hotelzimmer fand die Polizei “anscheinend Drug, Alkohol et zerstörte Gegenstände”. Die Näheren Umstände seines Todes sind noch lar, doch die argentinischen Behörden arbeiten daran, Licht in Dunkel zu Bringen.

Liam Payne has often faced such a problem, and his fans have said that he is not an artist, but his life has changed.