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Super pack Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5 for Sony E-Vorgestellt

For Sony’s top-performing cameras, Viltrox has a built-in 28mm Pancake lens, with a fixed blend of F4.5 that gets brighter up to handling flexibility, so it’s portable at best. The optic measures just 15.3mm long and weighs 60 grams.

Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5

Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5

The optical construction is best according to your lines, using 2 asphärische 2 ED-Elemente elements. Auch ein Autofokus is written; Please note that the Fokusieren die kompllette Linsenkonstruktion, nicht nur einzelne Gruppen. Laut Viltrox must take care of the installation of the camera in the single lens of the Frontverschluss geöffnet werden, damit the automatische Kalibrierung des Autofokus funktionieren cann, der Verschluss wie es scheint also the Linsengruppen fixiert. The Naheinstellgrenze measure 32 cm.

Front flap

Front verschluss

Trotz der geschrumpften Construction is the goal also for the Vollformat Geeignet. This is a camera compatible with all Sony E-Mount cameras which should be designed for the camera with only one model which is not compatible. Wer die Optik is interesting to find, just for a studied compatibility list.

Super pack Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5 for Sony E-Vorgestellt

The Viltrox AF 28mm F4.5 for Sony E-Mount costs 109 euros and will be available regularly in November. This is the Indiegogo launch which has been carried out, and which is also updated as well as the instructions on the specifications of the Auto system and the Frontverschluss.

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