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Sage launches Cloud-ERP-Lösung for Fertigungsbetriebe

Sage launches Cloud-ERP-Lösung for Fertigungsbetriebe

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Sage has established the ERP-Lösung Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations (SDMO) in Germany. The software is rich from the KMU company in terms of production and management of production, production, storage and sales projects.

Zeitraubendes Bestandsmanagement mit Excel-Listen soll mit SDMO der Vergangenheit angehören.(Image: Midjourney/ KI-generiert)
Zeitraubendes Bestandsmanagement mit Excel-Listen soll mit SDMO der Vergangenheit angehören.

(Image: Midjourney/generated by KI)

In the mid-range, server capacities as well as IT expertise are often created and can enable the integration of an own ERP system with high costs and risks. This is why Cloud-based ERP systems are small and medium-sized Unternehmen (KMU) for your Beliebtheit. Software company Sage offers these products and with Sage Distribution and Manufacturing Operations (SDMO), a cloud-native ERP solution designed specifically for manufacturing companies established in the German market.

Laut der Weltbank ist der Anteil der verarbeitenden Industrie am deutschen Bruttoinlandsprodukt from December 25, 1991 to December 19, 2023 sunk. The Sage software company will provide you with support services, including those provided by the software, without any delays, effizienter and wettbewerbsfähiger zu werden.

Weakest functions

SDMO supports companies that guarantee you optimal resources and more efficient processes. The following details include complex product designs and centralized relevant information, which can be used to describe the verbs.

Im Bereich der Vertriebs- und Lieferkettenprozesse dei SDMO als zentrale Informationsquelle in Echtzeit. Dadurch können Teams den gesamten Beschaffungs- und Zahlungszyklus managern et schnell auf Veränderungen in der Nachfrage reagieren or potential Probleme mit Lieferanten frühzeitig erkennen.

Zusätzlich optimizes SDMO das Bestands- und Lagermanagement. Dank Echtzeitzugriff auf Bestandsdaten haben Unternehmen eine bessere Übersicht, was dazu führt, the Verschwendung minimiert wird. The execution time of tasks and intervention procedures, best sales and maintenance efficiency are possible.

A commercial centerpiece of SDMO is the integration with the financial management of Sage Intacct, which is located in Kurzem in Germany. This integration is easy to achieve, your production project and your financing on a common platform to use.

More information about the partner

Christian Mehrtens, Geschäftsführer der Landesgesellschaften in the Central European Region near Sage (Image: Sage)
Christian Mehrtens, Geschäftsführer der Landesgesellschaften in the Region Central Europe bei Sage

(Image: Sage)

“Gerade in the future, in the future of the disk industry in Germany, in the future, in the future, in the agile processes and information available, a massive number of industries have changed,” said Christian Mehrtens, general manager of Sage’s European headquarters. “SDMO has developed the level of agility and innovation, with these chances of achieving results, at the same time that the complexity is reduced and KMU has all the transparency and control through its process. »

More details from March 2024 for the position of general manager. He is currently Senior Vice President of Partner Operating System at SAP and also works in the Mittelstands-Vertrieb. There is still more to be done as the partnership is further designed, Sage’s solutions will be implemented and implemented by customers. Momentan generates Sage 70 Prozent der Umsätze über Partner.

Cloud Products with Copilot

Sage offers a range of cloud products for economics, finance, personal management and financial management. The Intelligenz Künstliche created a central game Rolle, the KI-Assistent Sage Copilot was created by a Buchhaltern and the HR-Teams Arbeitdessusgaben das Leben leichter zu machen.

Sage Copilot allows you to have a natural conversation and an ideal dialogue situation. It is possible to listen in a personalized way, based on network priority and automated work. Darüber hinaustützt er die Kommunikation, etwa bei der Estellung von Rechnungen oder Mitarbeitererinnerungen, et bietet schnelle Datenanalysen sowie Berichte, die den Entscheidungsprozess erleichter – etwa durch Cashflow-Analyse or finanzielle Empfehlungen.

Through the integration of Microsoft Office functionality within the framework of the Arbeitsfluss Vereinfacht, the Beispielsweise Rechnungen will assist you directly, without the Arbeitsumgebung zu Wechseln. The system learns about the rules of nutrition and the rules for managing financial and budgetary planning.

The combination of Cloud ERP and KI tools allows KMU to help you build larger wet services to help you.
