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Uber half a million euros to Strafen

More too half a million euros to Strafen13 years, 4 times and 8 times and activities in the future are the balance of the young operations. The personnel of the Einheit des Heeres Strade Sicure – Terra dei Fuochi (based on the 8. Bersaglieri-Regiments), the region and the metropolitan police of the territorial companies and the specialized police schools, take care of the action of the technical components, under the coordination of the Präfekten von Neapel, Michele di Bari, and the new Präfektin von Caserta, Lucia Volpe.

General controls of local police patrols and local police in Naples and Umgebung durchgeführt, zwischen Afragola, Volla, Acerra, S.Antimo And Cardio. Ähnliche Kontrollen im Raum Caserta, en Volturno Castle, Mondragone, Cesa And Capua. Checkpoints generate falling issues to meet the needs of 1 Fahrzeug and etwa 4,500 euros a Strafen. Two investment companies were established in Naples and S. Antimo, which also obtained the description of the construction facilities and a 250 m² building with 11,000 euros to pay.

The controllers

In Maddaloni wurden 2 Müllablader auf frischer Tat ertappt, als sie den Kofferraum eines mit Abfall gefüllten Autos an einem Ort entleerten, wo also ch Kanister mit Altöl gefunden wurden. Heer et Carabinieri überwachten auch das Gebiet von Marianella in Naples, there is a deadline for a state police department to enrich itself with an illegal fraud-fighting organization. Entlang des Perimeters des Roma-Lagers von Carrafiello in Giugliano in Campania wird das engmaschige Sicherheitsnetz fortgesetzt; The gradual melting of the flames in the region by the eingesetzten Militäreinheiten ermöglichte das rasche Löschen 2 Brandherde. The information is provided by those responsible for your organized actions. The first time in Raum Caserta, twice Sessa Aurunca, Carinole, Cell and Falciano del Massico and dann in der Gegend von Cancello ed Arnone, S. Maria la Fossa and Grazzanise.

The production stand services were supported by 4 people, for the management of two activities and strict administrative sanctions of up to 300,000 euros. In large rooms you will be able to use interdisciplined controls Arzano, Casavatore And Casoria sowie das Gebiet zwischen Portici And Ercolano. There are 7 people employed, 4 activities and management services, a garage for seats and a storage place for building materials and protection, 3 transport vehicles (a transport vehicle with sondermüll) and others administrative and strict sanctions in the region. etwa 235,000 euros.